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Michelle from Houston, Tx writes

What can we do to get rid of snakes?

They are pretty large and have a triangular shaped heads. The area in front of the building has high grass because it is holding standing water and supposedly can't be mowed. I think the snakes are either water moccassins or copperheads. They are getting brazen enough to come out of the grass and to the steps to the building. Keep in mind it keeps raining. Will this whatever you suggest work in those conditions?


We apologize those are very unfavorable conditions for snake control. You could use the Cahaba snake trap  in areas it would not be submerged in water. You may also want to contact your Cooperative Extension Office for further assistance. 

Answer last updated on: 05/21/2015

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Cahaba Snake Trap - Large

Cahaba Snake Trap - Large


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