John from Miami, Fl writes
The small amounts of XTS needed won't always reach the suction tube as I am moving around the yard, so I want to dilute it with water in the jar and increase the amount/gal dispensed. Can you confirm my math please. Nasty mosquitos in South Florida. Also conflicting answers to questions, is Bifen XTS a repellent or not?
When using Bifen XTS, you will have to mix 1.6 fl. oz. in at least 5 gallons of water. When using a hose end sprayer, be careful to use the correct amount of water for the dilution rates. The most important thing to remember when treating for mosquitoes is that they hang out on the underside of leaves and shrubs. You should treat all shrubs, bushes and trees, remembering to not only treat the main bush or shrub but also the underside of the leaves. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so if there are any areas of standing water where you are treating, those should be treated as well with BTI Mosquito Dunks or Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide. You may also want to look over our Mosquito Control Article if you have a moment. Oil-based products such as Bifen XTS can stain some surfaces. This is not usually a concern in most areas outside, but you should use caution when treating around the siding of a home. Most oil-based products such as Bifen XTS do have a "chemical" odor but it is not especially strong. Bifen XTS is not a true repellent that keep mosquitos away, but it will kill those mosquitos that come into contact with a treated surface long enough to receive a lethal dose.
Answer last updated on: 02/24/2019