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Daniel from Victoria, Texas writes

What is the best way to use Remedy Ultra Herbicide to control Macartney Rose in south Texas?


As we are sure you know, Macartney rose is extremely hard to control and nothing is truly going to be labeled for it. However, in doing some research, we found that the university studies and areas with the most success in controlling it used products like GrazonNext. We would not recommend using Remedy Ultra Herbicide because it contains the active ingredientTriclopyr, which almost every study showed to be ineffective at controlling this invasive plant. You will likely need to do multiple applications with GrazonNext and may need to even cut some of the stems and apply the solution undiluted to the fresh cuts to try and help the plant absorb it directly.  You may also want to reach out to your local cooperative extension office, master gardeners program, or department of agriculture to see if they have any other suggestions of successful product use in your region or timing of application that would be best.  

Answer last updated on: 02/14/2018

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Remedy Ultra Herbicide

Remedy Ultra Herbicide

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