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Greg from San Tan Valley, Az writes

What is the best weed control for a landscaped area in Arizona? Rocks and plants, no grass.

I'm getting grasses, and a variety of weeds


XL 2G Herbicide would be great to use as a pre-emergent weed control product.  XL 2G does not control emerged weeds, established weeds, weeds growing from stolens, rhizomes, or root pieces.  For the emerged weeds, you could use any glyphosate product, like GlyPhoSel Pro, to kill any and all weeds and grasses that might come up through the rocks. You can spray it as often as needed to get the control you need on the weeds you want to kill.  Care should be taken to avoid spraying desirable plants as it will kill anything that it is applied to.

Answer last updated on: 02/02/2018

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