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Michael from Huntingtown, Maryland writes

What is the mix rate for Sulfentrazone 4SC Select Herbicide if spot treating and blanket spraying per 1000 sq ft? I want to break down the 4 fl oz per acre rate to treat transition zone lawn with Zoysia and Tall Fescue in the same areas.


Since the application rates are different for Cool Season and Warm Season turfgrasses, you would want to apply at the mid rate between the recommended rate range. The rate for applying Sulfentrazone 4SC Select Herbicide to Cool Season Grasses is 4 to 8 oz. per acre and for Warm Season Grasses is 8 to 12 oz. per acre. The mid rate recommended for treating both Cool and Warm season turfgrasses would be 8 fl oz per acre which would break down to 0.18 fl oz in atleast ½ gallon of water per 1000 sq ft. 

Answer last updated on: 06/09/2021

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