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Jason from Fort Lauderdale, Florida writes

What should I do now that I treated my couch with Demon Max? What happens with overapplication?

I sprayed 2 times in the same 24 hrs. I sprayed my entire couch so do I have to throw out the couch? I was finding ticks in my couch because the dogs would sometimes sleep on my couch.


Demon Max is not to be applied on surfaces that come in contact with the skin or on the surface area of the couch. Please contact the manufacturer for instructions on the treatment/cleaning of the couch. They can be reached at 866.796.4368.

We recommend the following for treatment of ticks: Make sure the property around your home is unattractive to ticks. Because ticks are sensitive to dry conditions and do not thrive in short vegetation, they are seldom a problem in well-maintained lawns. Keep your grass mowed and keep weeds cut. Clean up items that attract rodents which can carry ticks, such as spilled birdseed, and hiding places like old wood piles. If ticks are present in vegetation along the edge of the property, insecticides labeled for control of ticks can be applied to small areas of high weeds that cannot be mowed. Often, one or two applications per season will be adequate to control ticks in these areas.

Free-roaming dogs and cats are much more likely to encounter ticks than those that are confined to the home or yard. If ticks are found on pets, contact your veterinarian for information about an appropriate tick treatment. Remove the occasional tick found indoors by vacuuming, seal the vacuum bag and place it in the trash. Owners of kennels or homes infested with the brown dog tick may wish to contact a professional pest control company for assistance.

Answer last updated on: 09/23/2013

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