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Slb from Fayetteville writes

What size is the SP30 - Squirrel Park Squirrel Removal System?

1. What size is this cage W L D.? 2. Is there a trap that traps from the top instead of side?


The SP30 - Squirrel Pack Squrrel Removal System is a combination of 2 traps:  the E30 which is 3W x 3D x 11L, and 2 SPT30's which are 3.5W x 3.5D x 24L. The E30 would fit over the end of the SPT30 . The second SPT30 is a spare that can be used while transporting the squirrels. Unfortunatley, there is not a trap that traps from the top. 

Answer last updated on: 12/08/2016

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