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Rick from Basehor, Ks writes

What strength is TVC Total Vegetation Control mixed to use for pre-emergent applications in gravel driveways? I am using a 4 gallon backpack sprayer with a Hi Yield Surfactant.


Using TVC Total Vegetation Control will give you season-long (pre-emergent) control over undesirable vegetation such as annual and perennial weeds, woody bushes, and trees. Using a Non-Ionic Surfactant to help the chemical adhere to the briars and absorb more quickly will improve your results. Mixing at a rate from .6 fl oz to 6.4 fl oz per gallon of water or 2.6 - 25.6 oz per 4 gallons, moisten but DO NOT drench target vegetation. DO NOT spray to the point of runoff. 

Answer last updated on: 03/13/2021

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TVC Total Vegetation Control

TVC Total Vegetation Control

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