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Peter from Melbourne, Fl writes

What will be the effect of overspraying Bifen IT with Taurus SC ?

I have sprayed the perimeter of my foundation with Bifen IT. This worked well for Whitefooted ants but not for Carpenter ants. If I spray over this with Taurus SC, will it work effectively for both ants?


Taurus SC Termiticide is a non-repellent insecticide. This means that ants and other insects cannot tell that it is there and they will readily walk over treated areas. It also has a delayed reaction time and a transfer effect which allows the ants time to get back to the colony and spread it around before they succumb to the effects of the product. Bifen IT on the other hand is synthetic pyrethroid which many sensitive insects such as ants can detect. Ants may avoid the areas treated with it and those ants that do cross over treated areas are the only ones that will be killed by the product. Bifen IT does not have a transfer effect so it will not be transferred back to the colony. While the Taurus SC will not actually be deactivated by Bifen IT it will be much less effective if it is over-sprayed with Bifen IT. You can spray Bifen IT on your trees, bushes and lawn for mosquito control as long as you are not actually overlapping the areas where Taurus SC was applied. White Footed Ant Control
Carpenter Ant Control

Answer last updated on: 03/22/2018

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Taurus SC Termiticide

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