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Carl from Salem writes

When do I apply Monterey Liqui-Cop on apple trees?


When using Monterey Liqui-Cop on apples the product label gives different timing depending on the disease being treated. According to the product label, Anthracnose- Apply as a dormant spray once to foliage after harvest. Apple Scab (Black Spot), Bacterial Canker Blossom and Shoot Blast- Apply as a dormant spray once post-harvest before fall rains. Fire Blight: 1/2 – 1 tsp. – Apply at 10% bloom and repeat at no less than 5 – 7-day intervals during the bloom period. Do not use on copper-sensitive varieties. 4 – 6 tsp – Apply once as a full cover spray between silver-tip and green-tip. Do not apply when green-tip reaches ½ inch as injuries may occur  

Answer last updated on: 05/01/2019

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