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Randy from Groesbeck, Texas (lake Limestone) writes

When should I reapply Honor Guard PPZ Fungicide?

July 9th used hose -end to apply Honor Guard PPZ w/14.3 Prop. at 2 oz. per gal.. Guess on 7-23 should reapply at same rate? Also, should I use a different product? Brown patch. Bad. If I need to alternate products, please advise and I will buy from you. 1.3 acres-quite a job!!


When treating brown patch with Honor Guard Fungicide, you should reapply at 14-21 Day Intervals. We would suggest using the higher rate for curative disease control. We would not recommend using the same fungicide for more than two subsequent applications. Clearys 3336F Fungicide is in a different fungicide group and would be a good choice to rotate with Honor Guard for treatment of Brown Patch. Please refer to our Brown Patch Treatment Guide for more information.

Answer last updated on: 07/24/2016

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