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Martin from Alma, Ar writes

Which pre-emergent can you mix with Princep (simazine)?

I have used Dimension with moderate results. If I switch to simazine, how best to augment it (if at all) for a mix of grassy weeds and broadleafs, including Crown Vetch and Henbit?


Both Princep Liquid Herbicide and Dimension 2EW have henbit and many other weeds and grasses on the label for control so either would work well for your needs. We do not recommend mixing the two together as it would not give you any extra control. We contacted several of our experts in the herbicide field and reps at the manufacturers of the products we carry and they all came to use with the same answer. There are no pre-emergent herbicides that will control Crown Vetch. The only way to control it is post-emergent form or by taking the area to bare ground and reseeding with which ever grass you choose. We apologize we could not be of more help for your situation but some weeds like Crown Vetch and also Nutsedge just cannot be controlled prior to germination. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 07/11/2013

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