To Set the Wilco Doc Woody's Gopher Trap 70204:
- Remove cardboard plug.
- Depress spring bar into trap.
- Place hold-down bar across spring bar.
- Slide trigger wire over hold-down bar.
To Place Trap:
- Find a Fresh mound. Dig below it to open tunnel.
- Follow tunnel, dig hole large enough to place trap below ground surface. 4" is enough, but get as close to the main tunnel as possible.
- Pack dirt around base of trap and the spring bar holes so that No Light can enter the Trap.
- Slide trigger wire to end of the hold-down bar.
Extra Hints:
- To avoid accidental tripping while setting the trap, move trigger wire well up on the hold-down bar. After trap is in place, move trigger wire as close to the end of the hold-down bar as possible.
- Fresh mounds are darker in color. If there are many mounds present, kick them flat and observe for new activity.
- To avoid excess damage to lawns, dig out a rectangular piece of lawn slightly larger than trap and save. After gopher is caught, sod can be replaced.
- Always make sure joints of trap are tight, Air Must Enter Trap - Light Must Not.