Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 questions)
  • Asked by Robert from Van Nuys, Ca
    How well does the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap work and what kind of bait is used?
    The Squirrels I am dealing with in my southern California backyard are Golden Brown and not small. What size t. Bought the poison trap but my wife doesn't want me to kill them(about 3 squirrels).

    The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap is a very good multi catch live trap that will trap up to 12 ground squirrels at a time before it needs to be emptied. For bait, we would recommend using peanut butter, nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn, cereal grains, apples, almond extract on bread, or anise oil (1-2 drops) on bread.

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  • Asked by Lee from Barstow, Ca
    Are the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap entrances large enough to allow them to enter?
    The ground squirrels are the size of small grey tree squirrels.

    The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap  will fit the grey squirrels as long as they are as small as the ground squirrel.

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  • Asked by Bill from Mesa, Arizona
    What can I use to trap ground squirrels?
    I have a cabin in Strawberry, Arizona and I continually have ground squirrels digging under the foundation of the house and also digging under a shed I have on a different part of the property. I've tried cayenne pepper, repellent sprays, etc., nothing works. I don't really want to kill them, but I'm getting to the point that that might be the only choice. Any suggestions on what I should use?

    The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap would be a good option for you.  This is a multi-catch live trap that will trap up to 12 ground squirrels at a time.  . For bait, we would recommend using peanut butter, nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn, cereal grains, apples, almond extract on bread, or anise oil (1-2 drops) on bread.

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  • Asked by Judith from Buellton, Ca
    Do you have to kill the ground squirrels in order to get them out of the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap?

    No, the Wilco Ground Squirrel Live Trap is a catch-and-release trap.  After capture, it is recommended to relocate the ground squirrels at least 2 to 3 miles away from the area where they were caught. 

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  • Asked by Thomas from Burlington
    How do I get rid of 13 strip ground squirrels?
    I have a dog and do not want to use something that she could dig up. She has been digging up moles in the yard.

    If you want to bait for ground squirrels, then you would need to use the bait in tamper resistant stations so that dogs or other non-target animals would not have access to the bait. We do sell Wilco Ground Squirrel Bait and Bait Stations. (This bait is registered only in select Western states.) The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap would be a great option for you since it will hold up to 12 squirrels at a time.

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  • Asked by Glenn from Long Beach, Ca
    Does the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap come with a drown basin?
    Fish and Game doesnt allow to relocate squirrels as it will over saturate areas.

    No the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap  is just the multi-catch live trap.  It does not come with or have a drowning basin, as the laws are different in every state about relocating.  

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  • Asked by Julee
    Will the Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap be effective for trapping rats?


    The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap  will fit rats as long as they are as small as the ground squirrel.  Live catch traps are a great way to remove rats from your structure without harming the rodent. You will need to check with your local authorities to see what the ordinances are on catching and releasing rats in your region. Live catch trapping is not effective if you have a large infestation or if you are trying to trap small juvenile rats.

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  • Asked by Tanner from Girard Ks
    Does this Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap work on anything besides ground squirrels?
    I have one of these traps, but live in a place without ground squirrels. We have plenty of tree squirrels though.

    The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap is a multi-catch live trap with dimensions of 23.00" x 23.25" x 4.00".  It is intended to catch up to 12 ground squirrels before needing to be emptied, however, it could potentially trap anything similar in size to a ground squirrel, and small enough to fit inside. 

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Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 questions)