Product Q&A

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Diane from Detroit writes

Will Bonide Grass Beater Over-The-Top Grass Killer Concentrate harm wildflowers?

I want to plant a wildflower garden in a field that has a lot of grass mixed in with ragweed and other wild flowers. I intend to throw wildflower seed and ground cover over the area after i get rid of most of the grass. Does this sound reasonable? I also don't want to harm bees.


Due to variability within species, and in application techniques and equipment, and the number of tank mix combinations, neither the manufacturer nor the seller has determined if Bonide Grass Beater Over-The-Top Grass Killer Concentrate can safely be used on all varieties and species of wildflowers. It is recommended, therefore, that the user determine if this product can be used safely before broad use by applying the use rate of this product under the conditions expected to be encountered on a small test area. Any adverse effects should be visible within 7 days.

Answer last updated on: 07/23/2014

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