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Wanda from Klamath Falls writes

Will Casoron 4G Herbicide kill Mediterranean Sage?

I have a terrible Mediterranean Sage problem have tried commercial Roundup, Crossbow, and Pendulum and it keeps coming back. Any suggestions?


Casoron 4G is not labeled for Mediterranean sage at all.  We are not aware of any pre-emergents that are labeled for use on sage to prevent it from coming up or coming back.  Most applications are done with a post-emergent herbicide that is used throughout the growing season to control it as it comes up.  A product like Gordons Pasture Pro is labeled to control Mediterranean sage and can be used at up to 2 oz per gallon of water.  Gly Pho-Sel Pro Dry 75 also lists sage in general on the label and can be used per the label at up to 7 oz per gallon. Gly Pho Sel is one of the highest percentage glyphosate (Roundup-type) products on the market but it is a non-selective herbicide so you will want to be careful with application if desirable vegetation is nearby.   

Answer last updated on: 03/30/2017

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Casoron 4G Herbicide

Casoron 4G Herbicide

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