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Chris from Salt Lake City, Utah writes

Will Dylox 420 SL Insecticide kill Billbugs and Grubs?

Looking for a product that will eliminate billbugs and grubs fairly quick. I have tried a number of things with very little to no success over the course of 16 years. I tried Bifen and it helped somewhat, but not the desired results. Will Dylox 420 work with billbug's? I noticed that will work with grubs. I'm just tired of trying with really no results. If there are a couple of products that you recommend, for the two listed pests please let me know. Just wanting the results I have been chasing for 16 years now. Thanks for your help.


Dylox 420 SL Insecticide would only help you with the grub issue and if they are actively feeding, it is not labeled for bill bugs. The best time of treatment for billbugs is the same as the grubs, before they hatch so usually in the spring time is best. We would recommend Merit Insecticide Granules for an early treatment and you can contact your local cooperative extension office if you're not sure when billbugs or grubs hatch in your region. When adult billbugs are first seen, Talstar P (Bifenthrin) or Tempo SC Ultra (Beta-Cyfluthrin) can help. We recommend to look over our billbug treatment guide for further information.

Answer last updated on: 07/26/2016

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Dylox 420 SL Insecticide

Dylox 420 SL Insecticide

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