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Carol from Pulaski writes

Will the Pantry Pest Kit traps work for bird seed moths?

I own cockatiels and my food has moths in it. I've thrown away the food but can't seem to get rid of the moths. Will the pantry moth trap work for these moths?


The ProPest Pantry Pest Traps included in the Pantry Pest Kit will attract the most common pantry pests: Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Almond Moths, Raisin Moths, and Cigarette Beetles. If you have one of these insects, then the traps will do a great job. Be sure that you thoroughly clean the area, discard any infested items, and keep other dry food (for both pets and people) in airtight containers to prevent further infestation. You would use the D-Force Aerosol as a crack and crevice spray in cabinets, pantry, shelves, etc., making sure that you do not contaminate any food or utensils. Be sure that you do not use more than 1-2 pheromone traps in the entire house at one time. Be sure that you do not use any insecticides while birds are present in the room. You should not spray on bird cages or resting areas.

Answer last updated on: 02/12/2018

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