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Coleen from Christiansburg, Va writes

Will the pantry pest trap work insects that eat synthetic fabric?

I have several clothing items that are synthetic that have eaten places--not holes--but part of the fiber has been eaten. What insect does this damage and what do you have to exterminate it/them? These items were in a hanging bag storage over the spring/summer.


The ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Traps will only work for Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Almond Moths, Raisin Moths and Cigarette Beetles. If there were indeed pests damaging the clothing there should be some evidence of the insects themselves such as feces, cast skins or dead insects. You should also note that it is usually the immature insects called larva that do most of the damage to clothing. Have you noticed small beetles or moths around the inside of your home lately? We recommend taking all of the clothes out of the storage bag and washing them and then drying the clothing on high heat. Any insects that may have been on the clothing would be killed. You should also thoroughly clean the storage bag or discard it.

Answer last updated on: 11/17/2011

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Pantry Pest Kit

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