By DoMyOwn staff
Learn the basics of applying a winterizer fertilizer in cool season lawn with these tips.
Hi this is Nicole with Today, we're going to be talking about the basics of winterizing your fall lawn.
Let's talk about what a winterizing fertilizer is. It's exactly what it sounds like. It's a fertilizer that you're going to apply to your lawn late in the season, applied to cool season grasses. The reason that you want it is because it's going to bolster the nutrients of your lawn to help get it through that winter season and turn out gorgeous the next season.
One important thing to note: if you have a warm season grass, there's no need to winterize your lawn. Your lawn is going to go dormant during those winter months and it's going to wake up again in the spring and begin it's growing season. So this winterizing fertilizer really only applies to those cool season grasses.
The best time to apply your winterizing fertilizer to your lawn is when those cooler temperatures start to creep in. Your grass is still gonna be a little green on the top and underneath it's still gonna be active, so that's gonna be the best time to apply that fertilizer. Depending on your location, this application could take place anywhere from late September all the way through December. In the transition zones, it's likely going to be December for those southern transition zones and the northern transition zones maybe mid to late November.
What is the best winterizer for my lawn? Well, the best winterizer fertilizers are going to be Nitrogen-based. They are going to be a water-soluble Nitrogen. When you're looking at the package, the first number that you see is going to be the nitrogen content. And your'e also gonna wanna find a water soluble Nitrogen that has urea or ammonium sulfate in with it as well.
How do I apply this? First off, you want to read the label. The label is going to have your application rates, how many pounds per square feet. The second thing you're going to need to do is calibrate your spreader. If you've never calibrated a spreader before, don't worry - we have a really great video on exactly how to do that on our page. When applying your winterizing fertilizer through your spreader, you're going to want to go down your lawn in straight, even rows, being careful not to do any overlapping.
I really hope this helped answer a lot of your questions today. Thank you for watching! And don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel.