Product Q&A

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Teresa from Thousand Oaks, Ca writes

Would Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose and Flower Care harm bees, butterflies, or hummingbirds?

Will this systemic product kill bees, butterflies, hummingbirds who feed off the flowering plants that I treated with this product in my home garden? I already applied it, without knowing. What can I do to protect my beneficial garden visitors who collect pollen and nectar from my flowers?


The Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose and Flower Care product label does not carry a pollinators warning, so there is likely not enough active ingredient to warrant this concern. In general, we recommend using systemic insecticides on flower plants after petal fall if you have conerns about pollinators. You can also avoid spraying during the middle of the day while these insects are present, treating in morning or evening instead.

Answer last updated on: 05/10/2018

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