Customer Reviews for Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed

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3.6 of 5 stars
(26 customer reviews)
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed
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Displaying 1 to 26 (of 26 reviews)
  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great lawns

    By Dom on 07/28/2014

    I would give this a 5 star except I have to consider the effort it takes. This seed makes a beautiful low maintenance lawn but getting it started is a great deal of time and planning. you must follow the instructions and water water water until it is established.

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    217 of 228 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    So far no results

    By Dj on 05/05/2020

    Verified Purchase

    Purchase process and shipping/delivery time is 5 stars. But, So far overall it is 1 star. Planted seeds per seeding guidelines in south VA on April 10, now is May 5th and still there is no germination. One week prior to seeding Zoysia I have seeded 5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend on opposite side of driveway and already mowed it 3 times. I will follow up with edit if there is a change.

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    60 of 73 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    If you seed and water properly, this is an amazing product

    By Troy on 07/12/2021

    People that are griping about this seed have screwed up somehow, no doubt in my mind. I screwed up horribly and had great results, and kept 1/2 pound of seed for the following year to fill in potential bare spots and that aged seed germinated very well too. If you read to the bottom you'll see just how badly I screwed up, and I'll explain just how nicely my lawn turned out. What's required: - First, you need to know how many hours of sunlight the soil receives each day. Plants require sunlight to convert energy and if you do not have enough sunlight your plants are essentially on a diet, and that is bad for plants. - If you have adequate sunlight and soil temperatures for Zoysia, then next you'll want to do a soil test and make sure your pH is in an accurate zone. A local extension agency or store like Southern States or similar places may have soil testing. I strongly recommend getting a FULL soil test that tells you both the MACRO nutrients and the MICRO nutrients. You provide the sample, tell them what plant you are trying to grow, and they will tell you how much of each nutrient you need to be in an optimal range. I only did the MACRO nutrients, and I had great results. - 100% REQUIRED: ONCE YOU SEED, you need to keep the soil moist 24/7 for the first month. If your seed bed dries out, your seed will die. I'd bet money this is why so many people that gave bad reviews had a negative experience - I allowed about 500 sq. ft. of my lawn to dry out for about 1 day and that section died nearly 100%. I had a sprinkler fail, then the replacement sprinkler failed too. Zoysia isn't the only seed that will die like this, almost any seed you plant will die if you allow the seed bed to dry out. This is the biggest cause of lawn renovation failure in my opinion. - I allowed my lawn to grow tall and then I sprayed Glyphosate on my lawn, waited 10-14 days, then mowed as low as I could and I sprayed glyphosate again, then took the lawn down to bare soil as the directions stated. Then I also tilled the soil to make sure I did not have compact soil to contend with. - I was about to put down the seed at the end of July, but I checked the weather and there were bad rainstorms in the forecast so I waited a few days, and more rain was forecast so I waited a few more day, and this cycle repeated until I was about 45 days from the first hard frost and I had bare soil - I had no choice but to put my seed down and hope for the best. I didn't put soil over the seed either. I watered the soil to make it easier to work with and cut down on dust, and used a stiff back rake and went over my lawn in one direction, then again at 90 degrees so the top 1/2 of soil was loose. Then I put my seed down at about 1 pound per 1,000 sq. ft. which left me with 1 pound left over for spot seeding the following year. Then I turned my oscillating sprinklers on for about 5 minutes in each area and the loose soil covered the seed. I used a Scotts Wizz spreader and it worked well. The seed is so tiny I'd not recommend using a push spreader - you may end up with a lot of seed put out in a small area. One pound of seed per 1,000 sq. ft. is not that much, and the seed is extremely tiny. How tiny? I thought I may have issues with the birds, but I did not. The only seed I had stolen was by ants that picked it up and put it around the base of their ant hill. - Even planting only about 45 days before the first frost, which meant the soil temperatures were not optimal for Zoysia seed growth, I still had the beginning of blades sprouting after 7-8 days. All I put down on the soil was 10-10-10 fertilizer and Milorganite for some added organic matter to boost the soil and make it a bit more rich. Since the Zoysia takes about 28 days to fully germinate in proper planting conditions and temperatures, and I planted late, I did not have a well established lawn, but about 90% of my lawn survived the winter and came back the following spring. It filled out slowly while it was still cold, but after the weather warmed up to temperatures where Zoysia thrives, it started to fill out, spread and become more dense. By the end of that first full growing season my lawn was very nice, and I only put down about 2.25 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft., although I found out later I could have gone more the first year or two while the grass was establishing well and filling in. I'm starting my 2nd season of growth and the temperatures are now in the optimal range for growth and my lawn is very dense and filled in very well. My next door neighbor who works for the local Parks & Rec and is a professional turf manager and has an amazing lawn has been commenting on how beautiful my Zenith Zoysia lawn is and how thick it is, and the only thing I've done this year on my lawn is put down some Prodiamine (Pre-emergent) and one application of Milorganite which has some nitrogen, about 0.75 pounds per 1,000 sq. ft. when applied per the label. I've been so busy this year I've not had a chance to put down any fertilizer and my lawn is still looking amazing. So people who say the seed failed, I disagree. If I planted so close to the first frost and my lawn is thriving so well, I find it really difficult to believe the seed is the reason their lawns are not thriving. - My lawn is doing that well, and I live near Richmond, VA, which is in the transition zone, or in weather that can grow both warm season and cool season grasses, but it's not cool enough or warm enough to be optimal growing conditions for either. - If you plant this seed in the spring after the soil temperatures are at least 60-65 degrees (SOIL TEMPS, not the air), then you should have great results and a nearly perfect lawn by the time the growing season ends. I've had one full growing season and my lawn is amazing. I wish I could post photos here as proof. There is nothing mystical about growing Zoysia. If you follow the directions, have ample direct sunlight, ample water and do not allow the seed bed to dry out, have a soil test and properly fertilize, you'll have an amazing lawn. I say to plant in the early spring when the soil temps are in the low to mid 60's because it is easier to keep the soil moist, and as the seed is becoming established, you'll be reaching the optimal temperatures for the grass to thrive and spread. My lawn is nearly 100% weed free. The only negative I have is that warm season grasses do not stripe as well as cool season grasses. Cool season grasses hold more water and are less hardy/tough, so they are easier to push over and get the desirable stripes if you want to go that far. Warm season grasses are thicker in blade in many cases and tend to pop back up when you try to stripe them. You can get stripes for sure, just not quite as well as cool season grasses. - I also love this Do My Own site. Not only do they have almost every pesticide I have ever needed, This is also the only site I can find the full label for anything I want to research. I tend to upset vendors on other sites because people will ask questions and I'll post a link to the full label from this site. It's my personal opinion that anybody selling a pesticide should be required to list the full label on the website for customers so they know what they are buying and how to use it before making the purchase.

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    55 of 57 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Zenith Zoysis Grass Seed

    By Jo on 07/02/2016

    We have not used the grass seed because we found out that the seeds we had planted were germinating. Hopefully it will keep for next year

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    42 of 130 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars


    By Palmer on 02/21/2020


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    33 of 133 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great customer service and good prices

    By Geoff on 02/28/2020

    Thanks for the smooth transaction. These seeds are fresh and high quality.

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    28 of 41 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Seed. Will be purchasing more.

    By Andy on 05/30/2020

    I planted this with little hope as I was starting the hot arizona summer. I broke up the ground with a shovel, dumped on the seed and raked it in 1/4". I watered twice a day. It's almost two weeks and grass is breaking through the entire area. I am so excited to have Zoysia!!

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    23 of 27 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Rip Off

    By Jason on 06/05/2020

    Holy Cow. I thought I would buy some Zoysia seed to help out some bare spots in my lawn. I thought $77.00 was a lot but thought it would be a good investment. Until a little measly 2 pound bag showed up. I couldve gotten a half pallet of Zoysia sod for $120.00. I feel bamboozled. Jason

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    21 of 42 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed

    By Jamie on 06/12/2020

    Got are grass seed on time. Planted it two weeks ago and it is coming up great. Thank you.

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Douglas on 08/28/2020

    I thought I'd try growing Zoysia from seed in pots and it's working. I bought 2 window boxes and filled the bottoms with foam and added half a bag of Scott's top soil to each. Tamped the soil, sewed the seed, tamped in the seed and then sprinkles about a quarter of an inch of sand over the seed and tamped it again. I water I eve in the morning and once in the evening. After two weeks I'm seeing wonderful results.

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Worth the money

    By Vicki on 08/21/2020

    Well, I purchased my Zenith Zoysia seeds and planted them with care and a little hard work two weeks ago. I see sprouts already. Yay These seeds must be the cream of the crop because the color of the cluster of grass is a beautiful shade of green. I can't wait to see what it will look like in another few weeks. I want to add that my seed delivery came within days. Thank you!!

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    8 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    My Deam Grass for a long time!

    By John on 05/25/2020

    I tilled my entire yard raked out all the old grass and hundreds of rocks the seeds did not grow. I am not sure why i used seed starter fertilizer 20 20 20 they may just take longer to germinated not sure. Could the packaging may have be eradicated from Covid-19 processing of mail. The seeds are dead.

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    7 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Zenith Zoysia Grass

    By Emilio on 07/10/2020

    Zoysia grass is definitely the best! My seed is beginning to germinate nice and evenly. It's special beautiful green color. 6 lb bag covered all my front and backyard.

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    6 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    SO pleased!

    By Rebecca on 08/30/2020

    After reading multiple reviews for other brands of Zoysia grass seed saying how difficult it was to get started, and some even said that they did not have ONE seed germinate, I was very nervous to try planting it from seed. We plugged our front yard about 20 years ago and LOVE it, but the back yard needed it badly. We didn't even get it planted until at least the middle to late July. I was very dubious because of our late start, but after three weeks of watering every day I went out to check on it and there were little tiny green sprouts everywhere! I couldn't be happier! We live in Arkansas City, Kansas, so we have a nice long warm season through September and October, but it is already at least three inches long!I If you are going to start from seeds, be sure to stick with Zenith! I give it a 10!

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Grass seed didn't sprout

    By Perla on 03/19/2022

    I planted the grass seeds 2.5 weeks ago and it didn't sprout at all.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We do apologize that the (grass seed) you purchased is not growing as expected. We have spoken with the manufacturer and they have stated that the only time they have seen the seed fail to germinate was when it was planted too deep, where it could not get the right amount of sunlight and moisture to grow or prep work was not done completely. Seeding a lawn does take time and the right conditions and prep work to ensure success and if everything that needs to be done is not happening, then the seed will not germinate until it is done. Many people do not understand this and just throw the seed down, water for a time and assume it will work. They have advised us to ask firstly, what are you seeing at this moment? Also, we have been asked to confirm the following questions.. Are there weeds in the area that can shade/crowd the soil that the seed is in and prevent it from getting sunlight? Are you treating these weeds? Are you seeing any seedlings of the grass at all? What type of ground prep did you do before laying down the seed? Did you apply any type of pre-emergent herbicide prior to seeding, if so when? From ground prep until now, what have you done? Are you still watering the lawn, if so how often? How often are you mowing? We appreciate your response and cooperation in working with us to provide more information about your application.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Sown, watering, waiting

    By Chris on 05/15/2020

    Very fast service, Great shape upon receiving the package. We've scratched, sown, covered, watered, waiting to see sprouts. I will send photos when green up. Thanks for your service.

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    5 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Waste of money.

    By Bill on 10/09/2021

    I kept area moist for a month as needed with no success. s decide to test batch seed in flower pots to see if any seeds germinate. After weeks of give proper sun & watering I realize approx. 5% the seeds germinate. Who do I contact to get my money back? There is no date of use on package, this tells me the company is selling old seed at a premium price. Don't Buy is my suggestion.

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    4 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Edward on 07/03/2020

    The rating is not a reflection of the product per se, but of the difficulty of having it work in mostly shaded areas (big trees) here in South Carolina. The seeds have (mostly) sprouted, about (66% gestation), but they're staying put and not spreading as we'd hoped. So we're getting Zoysia patches (rectangular sod pieces) for the bare spots. It's just a bit disappointing at present.

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    3 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Not bad at all!

    By Brook on 09/17/2021

    Seeds coming up faster than promised. Lightly covered them and kept them wet. I have frog hair in less than 10 days. Excellent.

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It's sprouting!

    By Yaly on 10/02/2021

    Was anticipating for the two weeks to come to pass to see if seeding our lawn will be successful. Now we're happy to see the greenness appears on our lawn.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It's sprouting!

    By Yaly on 10/02/2021

    Was anticipating for the two weeks to come to pass to see if seeding our lawn will be successful. Now we're happy to see the greenness appears on our lawn.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works great

    By Ethan on 05/06/2022

    So far very successful germination. Ensuring the pH levels are in the correct range, ensuring there is good seed to soil contact and using peat moss and lots of water allowed for these seeds to germinate with no issue.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Plant it once and done!

    By Chuck on 06/19/2023

    I bought this seed because I got tired of my fescue burning to a crisp every summer, losing half my yard to heat stress, then having to sow seed in the fall every year. This stuff is great! Plant it once and done. I would recommend planting this seed only when it is very hot. If your night time lows are in the 50's or low 60's, and daytime highs are only in the 70's or low 80's, it's going to take a long time for this seed to germinate and grow. Some of my seed took over a month to start growing due to cooler than normal temps. This grass is not for shady areas either, it loves lots of sun. The price might seem high until you realize you only have to plant this one time. Another benefit of this grass is that it spreads rather quickly by stolon's and rhizomes. So if you have some bare spots, not to worry, this grass will fill those areas in on its own. So if you live in a hot environment, and don't like having to water your grass every single day! this is the stuff you want.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Zenith Zoysia

    By Edward on 05/20/2022

    I received the seeds and put them on the ground where I wanted them over two weeks ago. I have watered the ground twice a day, morning and evening, but there are still no sprouts. Very disappointed. Have ordered plugs and placed them in the ground.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you did not achieve the intended results. We would welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot the application to help get you the results you need. Please contact us at your earliest convenience!

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Nothing yet

    By Paul on 06/17/2022

    It's been 3weeks since I received and planted the 2 pound bag of zoysia grass seed.Iv been watering constantly(not over watering). Trying very hard to not let the ground dry up.And I've had nothing,and I mean nothing sprout.Im extremely loosing hope.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you did not achieve the intended results. We would welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot the application to help get you the results you need. Please contact us at your earliest convenience!

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Seed Failed

    By K. on 01/19/2024

    We purchased and put down this seed last year. We did everything to nurture this seed but it failed us. (We have experience with seed so this was not a first time for us.) After prepping and watering and babying this seed it ended in total failure. We will be putting down the sod this year. It was too expensive for it to not grow and thrive. I sure wished I had saved my money and put it towards sod.

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Displaying 1 to 26 (of 26 reviews)