We would recommend for you to follow Clearys 3336F Fungicide's label to get the results you need. Keep in mind that using more product than what's recommended does not give you better results and that St. Augustine grass can be sensitive as well to strong doses of chemicals.
While the Clearys 3336F Fungicide is safe to use around the base of the tree, it likely will not control the disease you are treating for if you use it in that manner. Every disease has a specific way it must be treated in order to be controlled, a specific rate to be used, and specific time and retreatment interval in order to see full control or prevention. We would need to know specifically what disease you are treating for in order to better direct you and know if a base spray would be of any benefit to you. You can also look directly at the label for the disease you are treating for and see what instructions it has next to it for control. If foliar spray is the only option listed, then spraying the base of the tree will do nothing for you.
It is important that you know exactly what you are treating on the crape myrtles first before applying any products. We recommend getting a proper identification by a local master gardener in your area. Please click the link below for their contact information.
Clearys 3336F is safe as long as you keep your pets out of the area while you are treating and let it all completely dry before you let them back outside, typically after 4-6 hours.
Clearys 3336 F Fungicide – like most products we sell – is a professional grade product that is not sold in regular stores. We do offer Free Shipping right to your door.
To treat for Tip Blight with Clearys 3336 you can use Propiconazole and Chlorothalonil in a rotation, doing two applications in a row before rotating. The infected twigs and branches should be pruned off about two inches back into live wood, and then prunings should be destroyed. Prune only when plants are dry, and sterilize tools between each cut by swabbing them with a solution containing 1 part rubbing alcohol and 3 parts water or use a solution of 1 part household bleach to 9 parts water.
Clearys 3336F Fungicide is not labeled for Rhizosphaera needlecast. We do carry Garden Tech Daconil Fungicide that can be applied to spruce trees for treating this fungus.
Unfortunately, Clearys 3336F is not labeled for Oak Wilt and our understanding is that there is no known way to save an oak tree infected by oak wilt fungus. We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office and/or find an arborist who can help you with prevention methods in case you have trees that haven't been infected yet.
Clearys 3336F Fungicide and Clearys granules are both professional strength fungicide products that are effective if used as directed for either formulation.
Typically when treating for diseases you want to rotate your fungicides every other treatment or every two treatments. While tank mixing and applying Clearys 3336F and Propiconazole together can be done if you feel it’s needed due to the severity of the disease in your lawn, you likely will get better results by just rotating between the two every 14 days based on label instructions and the mix rates for your disease.
Yes, Clearys 3336F Fungicide is labeled for both anthracnose and root rot. It does not, however, specify on the label that a surfactant is necessary. You could potentially add a surfactant for fungicides when treating very waxy plants, but it would not be required.
Per the manufacturer, Clearys 3336F Fungicide has a caution on the label due to the active ingredient. If the product is used per the label, there is less risk associated with it. If you have any additional questions, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer directly at 800-345-3330.
For listed root rots, per the product label for Clearys 3336F Fungicide: Apply as a drench or directed spray using hand held, mechanical, or motorized spray equipment, or as a chemigation drench or directed spray using applicable sprinkler irrigation systems, after seeding or sticking of cuttings (8 oz) or after transplanting (12-16 oz) to propagation beds, containers, pots, trays, or nursery or landscape beds at a rate to thoroughly soak the growing media through the root zone.A general guide is 0.25 -3 pints of finished mixture per sq ft depending on the media type and depth (about 4 oz per 4 inch pot or 8 oz per 6 inch pot). Repeat every 21-28 days for adequate crop protection.
This would break down to using 0.08 – 0.16 oz (½ – 1 tsp) per gallon of water.
Keep in mind that this product does not treat phythium or phytophthora.
Clearys 3336F Fungicide can be used to treat dollar spot on turf grasses including Emerald Zoysia Lawn and can also be applied as a soil drench or foliar application to ornamentals. Please refer to the product label for the specific disease that you are wanting to prevent or treat.
For using Clearys 3336 F Fungicide when treating Dollar Spot on the lawn you will use 2 -4 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft and apply when the disease first appears and continue at 14 day intervals. The amount of water to mix the 2 – 4 fl oz depends on how much water it takes to cover the 1,000 sq ft area. We suggest marking off a 10 ft x 100 ft area, filling the 2 gallon sprayer with regular water and doing a “mock” application to see how much water it takes you to thoroughly spray the 1,000 sq ft. That is how much water you will want to use to apply the 2ft to 4 fl per 1,000 sq ft. Rotations and/or tank mix combinations with other fungicides using chlorothalonil, iprodione, or mancozeb are also helpful.
For rust diseases in trees, your application of Clearys 3336F Fungicide should be made as a foliar spray.