Roach Bait
By Herman on 09/15/2010
Baby roaches is everywhere!
By Natty on 05/15/2011
Product is not working
By Iris on 06/01/2018
By Tanya on 06/29/2018
I've now seen a total of 6-7 roaches only in the kitchen in the apt building which I've just moved into 2 months ago. Not to mention I've never seen a cockroaches till I moved here. I have boraxed the entire kitchen also bought advion. After placing the gel bait seen only baby/smaller cockroaches. Googling baby cockroaches did not come back with good results. Did the advion work to kill the adults? I have not seen any dead roaches. I've killed every one of them. Is advion working? I check the baits daily. Been about a week since the baits been placed. Feedback?!??? Please help! Single girl, no man to kill them and hate bugs!!!
Expert response:
Thank you for your review. Advion Roach Bait Arena can certainly help at the beginning of an infestation. If you are seeing a new population, then there are most likely more in the wall void areas that you are not seeing as well. We would recommend using more than one product so that you are sure that you are getting all the areas that could be affected, such as the products that come in our Roach Control Kits ( These provide a bait, insecticide, and an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator). Generally, you need all three to get a roach problem not only under control, but eliminated as well. Please see our Roach Treatment Guide ( for more information.
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By Jose on 12/01/2018
As ion roach bait
By Alice on 07/22/2018
I haven't put all the roach baits out and I have an extreme problem so I still have roaches I will say one thing the thing that keeps them sticking on a service doesn't work on all surfaces meaning The bait falls down — maybe it was because the area was not dust free enough anyway in the coming months I'll see whether the baits work because I really have to really deal with a lot of situations that are letting the roaches in
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By Jessica on 11/12/2021
I've ordered these because they were out of the tubes I usually get. It seemed like these had the same stuff they just came in little traps. However, they do not seem as effective as the tubes. With the tubes, we always see positive results within a few days but these don't even seem to be touched and the roaches seem the same. I will go with the tubes next time.