Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

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Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

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4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.2

12 Reviews | 30 Q&A

Product Overview

Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) works systemically to interrupt the hormones that cause growth. Trim your plant then apply Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) as a foliar spray one time and it could last the entire season cutting your labor by as much as half. The benefits of Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) do not stop with less work but extend to the plant's appearance. The lack of shoot elongation encourages lateral branching resulting in a fuller appearance and denser plant. Even shrubs and hedges that have been affected by weather or pests can benefit from Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) because they begin to fill in even on old wood.

Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)  will also help to reduce or eliminate unwanted fruit on ornamentals and trees.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Dikegulac 18.5%
Target pests Growth regulation and reduces undesired (nuisance) fruit and flower formation
For use in Hedges, shrubs, trees and groundcovers
It can also be used on certain trees and shrubs to prevent flowering and undesired (nuisance) fruit set (ornamental olive trees, glossy privet, multiflora rose and Japanese holly)
Application 1 - 5 oz per gallon of water
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, when used as directed on label
Shipping Weight 2.57 lbs
Manufacturer PBI Gordon Corporation
UPC 070251662869
EPA Registration 2217-776


Use Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) to helpl groundcovers establish more quickly and from over-running their bounds into unwanted areas.

A surfactant is present in this product no additional adjuvant is needed for foliar application. However, when bark banding or soil drenching a 100% organosilicone surfactant is necessary.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    "Labor saving" device

    By Jill on 05/21/2013

    Verified Purchase

    For years I have used Atrimmec on privet hedges in April/May. They remain well groomed until July. This product saves me dozens of hours of work.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Stop the endless hedging

    By Rick on 05/19/2016

    I do professional landscape maintenance and hedge trimming sucks up huge amounts of time in the spring. Frustrating to trim a privet topiary and two weeks later it needs it again. This stuff really helps save me a lot of time. I've used it for many years. Doesn't work as well on Photinia so I do two applications.

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    19 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent Product!

    By Gloria on 02/22/2015

    Verified Purchase

    This is a miracle! It has cut down my yard work tremendously. I applied it 3 times in last years growing season and had no problems. Will be applying it again soon for this year. I am just a homeowner, not a professional. Love the product.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Yes and No

    By Vince on 06/03/2016

    Works on some shrubs, others are growing at normal rate

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    9 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great transaction

    By Jill on 05/21/2013

    Verified Purchase

    My entire order went quickly and well thanks to great website. My product arrived well packed and on time. I will definitely be a repeat customer.

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Questions & Answers

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It's June 13 so can I still use this product on my barberry bushes?
There is no specific time to use this product on barberry bushes. If you are speaking temperature wise, if it is very hot, Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator should be used in the early morning or late evenings. If treated plants are subject to rainfall or overhead irrigation within 6 hours after spraying, effectiveness may be reduced.

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17 of 17 people found this answer helpful

Which surfactant should I choose when using Atrimnmec Plant Growth Regulator?

This is a quote from the label tips for bark banding: "when bark banding or soil drenching a 100% organosilicone surfactant is necessary." Can you tell me which surfactant I should purchase that fits this specification?


When using Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator you would want to use a surfactant like Prime Source Duo Stick. This is going to be a proprietary blend of methylated seed oil and organosilicone surfactants. 

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Will Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) work on Boxwoods and other hedges and shrubs?

Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) is labeled to be applied to hedges, shrubs and trees.

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8 of 23 people found this answer helpful

Can you apply Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator without trimming in early spring?

I trim my properties neatly in the fall and winter. I would like to know if you can apply early spring without trimming and before bushes start to grow vigorously. Or if it is necessary to first cut or trim and then apply within 36 hours. Early- mid summer is very busy time of year and I would like to avoid trimming then. Last year I applied after trimming in July and it lasted until fall/winter with light growth.


According to the product label for Atrimmec PGR:

For a more formal appearance: Trim the shrub or groundcover to shape, leaving at least two pairs of extended leaves on each shoot to absorb the spray. Apply this product within three days.

For a more natural appearance: Either trim only the long, wild shoots and immediately apply this product spray, or trim shrub or groundcover to shape, allow the new shoots to grow at least two inches, and then apply this product spray.

Trimming after the application of Attrimec may interfere with the action of the product.

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Can Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator be used on loropetalum (fringe flower)?

Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator is not labeled specifically for Loropetalum, fringe flower, witchhazel (the family of this plant), or evergreens, so we are not sure whether it would be effective or tolerated on this plant. Pruning seems to be recommended and most effective for keeping this plant to desirable sizes. Different cultivars will require slightly different care, too. You can read more about Loropetalum in this article from the Clemson Extension. If you are going to try this on your loropetalum, then we would recommend treating a limited number of plants before treating all of them.

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Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) 4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.2 (12 Reviews / 30 Q&A)

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