Product Shipped with Loose Cap and Leaked
By Robert on 12/31/2021
The product itself and the order processing was fine. The product was shipped with a loose cap causing the product to leak. I lost about 1.5 ounces of product from the 4 ounces total in the container....... Overall, I've been happy with my orders from Do My Own. This one was a miss.
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Barricade review.
By Jack on 03/03/2023
I'm not sure this Barricade worked very well for me here in Decatur, Alabama. I applied it to my Zoyzia lawn just as the forsythia started to bud, so I think this was in time. My soil was about 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit over a 180X220 ft area. (Using a meat thermometer) I mixed per the directions and added a surfactant and blue dye to assure complete coverage. It is now early March and I have weeds in my lawn. They are not many in the golden portion of my lawn, but the scant areas have low growing “stars” kind of weeds. They kind of look like a hen and chicks, just the hen part. They are relatively easy to uproot, but they are a pain. I also have some, not a lot, dandelions and of course wild onions. I spread Fertilome yesterday and hope for the best.
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