Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol - Questions & Answers

Displaying 81 to 100 (of 108 questions)
  • Asked by Robin from Bronx, Ny
    Can you use Bedlam Plus or JT Eaton Plus on clothing?

    Neither Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol or JT Eaton Kills Bedbugs Plus can be applied to clothing. 

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  • Asked by June from Souderton
    Can I use Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol on my skin for bedbug bites?
    is there a cream or oil someone can use on their body to keep bedbugs off of them while sleeping, especially if the person has an allergic reaction

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not labeled to be used on skin.  We would recommend speaking with your physician for recomendations on a product they can prescribe that can be used on your skin. 

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  • Asked by Will from Springfield, Il
    Is Bedlam safe to treat air mattresses?
    I have an air bed.

    Yes, you can apply Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol to the edges of the air mattress.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Greensburg, Pa
    When may I walk on carpet after spraying with Bedlam?

    You can return to the area once the Bedlam Insecticide is dry. 

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  • Asked by Guillaume from Quebec, Canada
    Can Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol still be used if it was frozen during the night?
    I left a can of Bedlam in my pickup and it went -10 during the night, will it work if I let the aerosol unfreeze in the house ?

    If Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol has frozen, the effectiveness may be reduced. It wouldn’t hurt anything if you want to try to use it once it thaws, but if you find that you’re not getting the same results as you did before it froze, we would recommend purchasing new product. 

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  • Asked by Amanda from Washington
    Can Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol be used for gnats/ fruit flies? Also is it safe to use and stay in the home?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is only labeled for Bed Bugs, Adult Lice & Nymphs, Ticks, Fleas, Dust Mites.  It is not for use against gnats or fruit flies.  People should be out of treatment areas during treatment until dry, typically within 30 minutes to 1 hour.  To kill gnats/fruit flies out in the open the better option is to use something like 565 Plus XLO as a space spray.  We also have a guide for gnats here and fruit flies here that may help.

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  • Asked by David
    Can you use Bedlam on Car seats for bedbugs?
    Just in case if you are worried there are bed bugs in your car seats.

    Bedlam Insecticide isn’t labeled for applications inside of vehicles.  If using for bedbugs inside the vehicle use Crossfire Aerosol this is labeled for vehicles and will not stain surfaces.  It recommends testing in an inconspicuous area first and allowing the area to dry before using in large areas.  

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  • Asked by James from La Mesa, Ca
    Can I use Bedlam as a spray for roaches? Or do I need to buy more Phantom?
    When I bait for roaches at my apt complexes( inside cabinets), I like to put down a spray barrier along the floor trim in the kitchen/bthrm. I currently use Phantom, I have 2 cans of bedlam left from a bedbug problem awhile back. Can I use the Bedlam for this application?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not labeled for roaches.  Phantom would be the better option as it will also work for bed bugs.

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  • Asked by Erica from Phoenix
    Does Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol have a smell to it?

    Yes, Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol does have a sweet scent per the SDS that will eventually dissipate when dry and properly ventilated.

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  • Asked by Kara
    Does Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol kill scabies?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not labeled for scabies. Scabies mites live on/in the skin and we do not carry anything to treat humans. Most folks need to visit their doctor to receive the medication needed to get rid of scabies. You may spray your furniture with a product such as Steri-fab to kill anything on furniture though treating the home is usually not necessary.

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  • Asked by Han
    Is Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol a repellent?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol  is a contact kill aerosol but also leaves a non-repellent residual behind.


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  • Asked by Jen from Sc
    Is there a fogger we can use for bed bugs?

    We do not suggest bombing for bedbugs as they can hide in cracks and crevices and will not be exposed to the product when dispersed.  We recommend that you treat with one of our Bedbug Kits. Please find detailed information on treating for this insect in our How to Get Rid of Bedbugs Article

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  • Asked by Tiffany from Hopkinsville, Ky
    How to clean box spring after applying Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol?
    I sprayed this on my encased box spring how can I clean this? When is it safe to put my encased mattress back on and sleep on my bed again?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol treated areas would need to be steamed cleaned/shampooed to remove it.  It is safe to apply directly to box springs as directed on the label and then you would put an encasement on.  Once the area has dried it is safe to use again, typically after 1 hour.

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  • Asked by Barb from Lakeville, Mn
    Can I spray Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol into some cardboard boxes and gym bags?
    I need to keep the boxes and gym bags for storing items that won't be used for at least 3 months.

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol can be used on sensitive areas and other areas where you need a fast knockdown. Bedlam will typically last for 6 weeks under normal conditions.  The bedbugs that walk over the area will die, but they will not die instantly.  It can take up to a few hours for them to die, so you will still see them.  The only product that we have that kills on contact is Steri-Fab and even still, contact means it takes minutes, not instantly. If you are planning to store these items for 3 months, please look at using the Nuvan ProStrips.

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  • Asked by Brenda from Al
    How often do I spray Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol for bedbugs?

    When treating for Bedbugs, repeat applications should be done every 10-14 days using a combination of products. For a full Bedbug Treatment Program, click here. Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is a contact kill and provides a 2 week residual however will not fully eradicate an infestation when used by itself. Apply Bedlam Insecticide as a spot treatment to cracks and crevices, around baseboards, floorboards, headboards, and walls. Click here for a video on How to Use Bedlam.

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  • Asked by Jodi from Berkeley, Ca
    Will Bedlam Aerosol Spray or the Bed Bug Kits eliminate a bird mite or rodent mite infestation?
    I have an infestation in my bedroom and possibly house. The County Vector Biologist searched my bedroom and around the house, did not find Bedbugs, but determined I am getting bitten from bird or rat mites. Before I invest in a solution, I want to be sure this will address my particular issue of bird and rat mites. Thank you.

    Bedlam Insecticide is labeled to treat only dust mites, so we would not recommend either product for either application.  Please view our bird and rodent mite article here for assistance with identification to see what kind of treatment, if any, may be necessary.

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  • Asked by Rosemary from Kew Gardens Ny
    How often should I treat with Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol for bed bugs?

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol should be reapplied every 2 weeks for bed bugs. This is a contact kill aerosol that leaves a 2 week residual but is only one part of bed bug treatment program. Bed Bugs require a combination of products including a residual insecticide, insecticide dust, insecticide aerosol like we have in our Bed Bug Kits as well as non chemcical methods. You will continue to retreatment every 10-14 days until you can go 30 days without seeing any signs of bedbugs. 

    Please review our How to Get Rid of Bedbugs for step by step instructions on a successful treatment program. .

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  • Asked by Clytus from Temple Hills Md
    My house is infested with bird mites and Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not eradicating them. Is there anything stronger to eradicate them? This going on 6 months

    Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not labeled for Bird Mites. Please review our How to Get Rid of Bird Mites in the Home for more information. If the nest has not been found and removed, this will be your first step to eradicating the infestation. 

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  • Asked by Kevin from Oak Grove, Mn
    Can Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol be applied to a rabbit mount to treat for mites or insects that have removed all the hair?
    I bought 2 cans of bedlam for about $60 on Amazon. I want to protect my new jackalope mount. (I bought one years ago, but mites or something got it and all hair came off in clumps. 1) Can I spray bedlam directly on the mount? Or is there a better way to apply? 2) Can I apply indoors? 3) How often should I apply?

    Bedlam Aerosol is labeled to treat bedbugs, carpet beetles and clothes moths as a crack and crevice treatment. Although it is water-based, we cannot recommend using it directly on taxidermied items.

    We would contact your Taxidermist for their recommendations on protecting the mounts from insect or the County Extension Office for a positive id of the insect you are targeting. 

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  • Asked by Hamood from Voi
    Can Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol be sprayed on pigeons?

    No, Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol is not intended to be used on animals such as pigeons. View our Bird Repellent Products and Bird Traps for options to eliminate pigeons. 

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Displaying 81 to 100 (of 108 questions)