Bird Traps

Have birds stuck in your building or property? Our bird traps will help you trap and release these unwanted birds without harm. Place in eaves, roofs, and trees for quick control of pigeons, sparrows, and more.

1-17 of 17
1.5 out of 5 stars (2)
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Captures and holds upwards of twenty small birds at one time.
4 out of 5 stars (1)
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A multi-catch trap that is used for Sparrows and is mainly used for smaller type applications.
5 out of 5 stars (1)
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Multiple sizes available
A galvanized welded wire pigeon trap designed to effectively capture live birds without hurting them.
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A galvanized welded wire pigeon trap designed to effectively capture live birds without hurting them.
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A safe and effective bird trap that is specially designed for sparrows. It features a new 2-chamber, bi-level repeating trap that can accommodate 12 sparrows at a time.
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A galvanized welded wire pigeon trap designed to effectively capture live birds without hurting them.
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Multiple sizes available
A heavy-duty bird trap that provides an ideal way to endure a range of environmental conditions while providing a humane solution to nearly any pest bird problem.
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A water and feeder kit that you can add to your pigeon trap cages.
4 out of 5 stars (1)
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A heavy-duty bird trap that provides an ideal way to endure a range of environmental conditions while providing a humane solution to nearly any pest bird problem.
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A galvanized welded wire pigeon trap designed to effectively capture live birds without hurting them.
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A humane lightweight trap that can hold a large number of sparrows.
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Divided sparrow trap with two top access doors.
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A humane trap that can hold around 12 pigeons.
5 out of 5 stars (2)
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A safe and effective bird trap that is specially designed for sparrows. It features a design that does not look and function like a normal trapping device.
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WCS Pigeon Trap LP- Low Profile is an effective product that lets you get rid of problem birds.
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A durable bird house designed trap that will surely bait sparrows and prevent them from damaging your estate.
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A heavy duty cage trap that catches starlings effectively.

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.