Please be informed that Bifen IT is not authorized for application in any drainage systems. If you could provide us with details regarding the specific pest you are addressing, we would be pleased to offer recommendations for suitable alternatives.
Bifen IT is labeled to treat for bed bugs and should only be applied as a crack and crevice application. Since there is not one product alone to treat bed bugs in all the required areas, we recommend one of our Bed Bug Control Kits. Please take a look at our How To Treat for Bed Bug Control Page for step by step instructions.
Bifen IT is only labeled for bed bugs inside of livestock housing. We would recommend using Temprid SC instead. It has two active ingredients in it that work together to combat bed bugs. Be sure to do treatments every 10-14 days until you do not see activity for 30 days.
Please check out our Bed Bug Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent bed bugs.
While Bifen IT is labeled to treat bed bugs, it is not recommend as the sole protection from them. We recommend our Bed Bug Kits, which contain a great combination of products to use together to eradicate bed bug infestations. Please take a few moments to review our Bed Bug Treatment Guide for more tips and information on how to eliminate this troublesome pest.
The best control will be achieved by using broadcast treatments in combination with mound drenches when using Bifen IT. This will control present colonies along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens. It is critical either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet when using broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1 to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood ant channels. Treat a four foot diameter around each ant mound. Application should be made in late evening or early morning when it is cooler (65
Bifen IT is labeled to treat active infestations inside as directed on the product label but would only kill those termites that actively make contact with a treated surface or are sprayed directly. If you are dealing with subterranean termites, you want to use a product that has a "tranfer-kill" effect. Termidor SC is a great product to use to treat termites and prevention, or Termidor Foam for active only, both of which are non repellent and transfer back to the colony below ground. Please see our Termite Control Page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find information on identification and treatment for termites.
Bifen IT is not labeled for treating grubs. We do carry several products that are labeled for grubs including Adonis 2F, Merit Granules, Milky Spore and Dylox. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Grubs for a successful eradication program.
Yes, Bifen IT is safe for Hibiscus bushes and it's labeled to kill ants, we would just recommend to avoid spraying the blooms.
If you have already sprayed bifenthrin, then we would advise waiting at least 30 days to apply a non-repellent such as Taurus or Termidor Foam. The Bifen will have a faster kill than the non-repellents, so it does not offer the same transfer effect and would over-power either of these insecticides if applied in the same area. In the future, it is best to spot treat active infestations with non-repellents whenever possible.
Bifen I/T can be used around cattle except in areas where they will be grazing. All animals need to be kept out of the area during application and until everything is fully dry. Once the area is dry, the animals can safely return.
Bifen IT is labeled for "weevils" in general and the active ingredient, bifenthrin, is known to be effective for pine weevils. We also suggest that you contact your local cooperative extension office for tips on the best time to treat in your specific area
Bifen IT can be mixed with an insect growth regulator such as Nyguard IGR to break the flea cycle. Nyguard IGR will prevent the young from maturing into reproducing adults, thereby keeping the colony from getting larger while the Bifen works to eliminate. Bifen should be applied every 2 weeks outside for flea treatment and Nyguard once a month.
Bifen IT is not labeled for lice and there is no need to treat outside for lice as they do not live long off of their host. We do carry products that can be used for lice control. Please take a few moments to review our article on How to Get Rid of Head Lice for more information.
We apologize but are unaware of anything that can be done to a pond if sprayed with Bifen IT. You can try reaching out to the manufacturer Control Solutions for advice. They can be reached at 800-242-5562.
Bifen IT can be used on non-bearing fruit and nut trees that will not produce a harvestable crop during the season of application.
Bifen I/T is used in poultry housing and facilities and as long as the chickens are removed from the area while you treat. You should still be able to use it in their grazing areas with no issue since they are not actually feeding on the grass/potential seeds place out but on the insects in that area after everything has dried. If you had any concerns with the Bifen I/T usage, another option that is safe to use in grazing areas is Essentria All Purpose. You still have to remove the chickens during the application but once dry is safe to return just like the Bifen IT. Neither product should have any effect on their eggs at all as long as you are following usage instructions.
Bifen IT is not labeled to be used in pastures or in areas with grazing animals at all. We would recommend contacting the manufacturer directly for confirmation on reentry time. To our knowledge, it is recommend to keep grazing animals out of the treated areas for the entire growing season. Control Solutions can be reached at 281-892-2500
We don't recommend spraying Bifen IT on roses, since it isn't labeled specifically for roses. We would recommend you use a product like Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose and Flower Care that is labeled for use on roses.