Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS can be used as long as the ground is not frozen and the soil temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Visible results after using Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS should be between 4-10 days. You should see a yellowing and/or reddening of the grass weed leaves.
You can start watering your lawn again after 24 hours. If your lawn is dry, water 1-2 days before or within 1 day after using this product. Rain or watering within 1 hour after application will not wash away the product. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS will not harm the tree if applied when there is no wind. Please follow the product label for application. The shelf life of this product is approx. 3 years if kept in a cool dry place.
Per the product Label ,To control Bermudagrass,using Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS, up to seven applications spaced one month apart may be required. Make the first application in the spring when the Bermudagrss begins to green up. Repeat the following growing season if necessary. Do not make more than seven applications per year.
How long you have to wait to seed after applying Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS depends on your turf type. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.
The Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS label states that treated fescue and perennial ryegrass lawns may be re-seeded immediately after application, however, wait 3 weeks after application to Kentucky Bluegrass before reseeding.
Before treating new or renovated lawns, new grass seedlings must be at least 1 month old (3 months for Kentucky bluegrass). Kentucky bluegrass sod must be at least 1 month old since installation.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS can be used around the Iris to kill the Blood Grass. It may be better to use a product like Fertilome over the top which is labeled to be applied over the top of Iris.
The side of the Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS bottle has a clear/white line on the side so that you can see how much product is left.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS can be applied to Fescue lawns, but it does not list creeping bentgrass as a controlled weed. A great option would be Tenacity as it can safely be applied to your tall fescue lawn for creeping bentgrass.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is only labeled to be used on Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, and Perennial Ryegrass and would not be recommended on seashore or other warm season grasses.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is premeasured and only designed to be used attached to a hose. It cannot be removed and used in a sprayer.
Wiregrass is a form of bermudagrass, so Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS should work to control it as this product is labeled for Bermudagrass [controls], Crabgrass, Foxtail, Sandbur, Japanese Stiltgrass & other grass weeds.
Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS should be used attached to a water hose and not applied with a hand pump sprayer.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS specificaly states on the product label not for use on zoysiagrass lawns: doing so could injure the lawn.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is premeasured and the product it contains is only designed to be used in the hose end sprayer it comes in that has an on off switch, no rate is available. You cannot remove and place in a pump sprayer. Acclaim is a concentrated version of the same active ingredient and could be used depending on your turf grass.
Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is a ready to spray product that does not require the addition of a surfactant.
You want to wait at least 6 weeks after Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS application to reseed.
Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is a premeasured product that can only be used in the ready to use bottle it comes with. It cannot be transferred to a another hose end or pump sprayer and applied since there is no dilution chart. It is just hooked to your hose and turned on.
Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is not labeled to control Aunnal Bluegrass (poa annua). Poa annua and Fescue are so closely related, there are few products that will kill the poa annua without also harming the Fescue. The only one we are currently aware of is called Prograss and it is very expensive. Your other options would be to either spot-treat with a Roundup-type product and then reseed with the Fescue in those areas, or you can use a pre-emergent like Prodiamine 65 WDG in the fall to prevent the poa from growing in the first place.
Bio Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS is labeled to kill bermudagrass but it is not safe for St Augustine. There is not a selective herbicide to eliminate bermuda out of St Augustine since they are very closely related. You can use a non selective like glyphosate to spot treat it and then resod the areas 2 weeks after the last application.