Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate is a systemic herbicide and is labeled for poison ivy.
Bio Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate should be stored in a cool, dry place. If temperatures were below freezing (or extreme heat), it would be recommended to replace the product prior to use. It is not suggested to store products in the garage, sheds etc where there is a fluctuation in temperatures.
You should cut your shrub down and immediately apply Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate with a paintbrush onto the stump.
Yes, you can safely apply Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate to areas in your Fescue lawn. The label does state that certain warm season grasses may experience temporary yellowing when sprayed to excess. Yes, this product is labeled for oxalis.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate should be used when weeds and brush are leafed out. Winter applications may not be as effective.
Yes, unfortunately the Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate will kill any plant it comes in contact with.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate could be used after cutting the shoots. Another option is something like the Monterey Sucker Stopper RTU.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate is not labeled for porcelain berry. Glyphosate appears to be a better option. There is also an article here with more information.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate is more for woody brush and vines. While it could possibly kill grasses, we cannot recommend it for this use.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate should kill Creeping Ivy. We recommend to trim the ivy and then apply directly to the fresh cuts. It is designed to be used on underbrush below trees. Be sure to apply on less windy days to avoid overexposure to tree trunks.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate is not labeled to control moss. You can use the Lilly Miller Moss Out Spot Treatment for the lawn and flower beds, if that is where the rocks are around.
You can apply Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate in your lawn, however the label does state that certain warm season grasses may experience temporary yellowing when sprayed to excess. It would be recommended to wait 3 weeks before replanting/seeding after application of Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate can affect desirable plants, flowers, etc if treated too closely. You will need to stay outside the dripline of any desirable plants. Per the product label, If a desirable plant (other than grass) is accidentally sprayed, immediately rinse with plenty of water. You can also use a sheet of cardboard or plastic to protect desirable plants from accidental contact with the product. For vines growing on desirable plants, cut the vine and treat as directed for stump removal.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate is not intended to be used in lawns and can injure some turf types.
Bio Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate uses the active ingredient triclopyr which is known to kill the invasive air potato vine. Per the product label, this product will kill or injure all woody plants contacted and it is recommended to use a sheet of cardboard or plastic to protect desirable plants from accidental contact with the product. The application instructions are the same as a stump treatment, "completely cover freshly cut stump with undiluted product using a paintbrush. Do not reuse paintbrush for other uses. When discarding, wrap brush in newspaper and put in trash."
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate can harm St.Augustine lawns. We recommend to apply on less windy days, so that it will not get on the lawn.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate contains triclopyr, which can damage desirable trees and shrubs such as ficus hedge. You should not use this product where there would be direct spray or overspray to any part of the ficus.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate can be used to kill the root zone of the bushes/trees that are sprouting up around the grape vine however you want to be extra careful not to let the solution have contact with the grapevine roots or trunk. If you want to just stop the shoots from popping up, you can use Monterey Sucker Stopper RTU which is used to prevent suckers and water sprouts on apples, pears, olives, non-bearing citrus and woody ornamental plants.
It would be recommended to wait 3 weeks before replanting after application of Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate.
Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate will kill or injure all woody plants contacted. Certain warm season grasses may experience temporary yellowing when sprayed to excess. If a desirable plant (other than grass) is accidentally sprayed, immediately rinse with plenty of water.