Per the Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil product label, you should apply when rain is not expected within 24 hours to ensure rain does not wash pesticide off the treated area.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Oil should be applied every 7 days as needed.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be used on vegetables up to within one day of harvesting.
The shelf life of Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is 3-5 years as long as it’s stored in a temperature controlled environment and out of direct sunlight.
We have the product label on our website for your convenience for the Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
The mixture rate will vary depending on the type of fruit tree and pest you are treating. I have included a link to the product label instructions so you can see the mixture rates needed for your use:
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil should not be applied when temperatures are above 90 degrees or below 40 degress. Temperature restrictions only apply to application times not the temperature throughout the day.
Yes, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is safe for use on vegetable plants. The mixing rate will depend on what you are treating.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil that has been mixed with water should be used within 24 hours of mixing.
The Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil gives you the most flexibility on when you can apply. It can be applied during any season at the dormant stage (no leaves), delayed dormant stage (green tip stage), and the growing seaons as spray to control overwintering eggs. For apple trees, the product label recommends to apply anytime from the GREEN TIP stage through DORMANT stage.
Hi Yield Dormant Oil can only be applied during the DORMANT stage prior to bud swell according to the label.
For specific application recommendations, please contact your local cooperative extension office.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil cannot be applied to blackberries and raspberries. Please provide the targeted pest for an alternate option for treatment.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be applied as needed as long as you are not exceeding the maximum rates or during temperatures above 90 as listed on the product label.
Per the product label, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil may be used at the dormant stage (before buds show green tissue), green tip stage (when leaves of blossom buds are bursting and show about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of green color), delayed dormant stage (when the leaves of the blossom buds are out from ¼ to ½ inch), and during the growing season.
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is applied 3 3/4 oz per one gallon of water as needed for treating the apple tree for leafrollers.
Yes, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is labeled to be used on both peach and plum trees.