Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 80 (of 93 questions)
  • Asked by Patty from Ca
    Can I spray Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil on the hydrangea stems?
    I pulled all the leaves as they were yellow and spotted. The stems have buds.

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be applied to hydrangeas before the buds show green tissue and dormancy. You would use the higher rate in dormancy and reduce the rate to the minimum and increase the rate as that growth has hardened off.

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  • Asked by Martin from Alachua
    What are the ingredients other than the Mineral Oil?
    I want to know if the other ingredients are natural oils, or synthesised chemical compounds

    The other 2% inert ingredients of Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil  are privy to the manufacturer and this proprietary information is not released to consumers/distributors.

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  • Asked by Jeannette from Madison, Wi
    Can Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil be stored where temperatures go below freezing?

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is best stored in a cool, dry place where temperatures are above freezing and below 90 degrees.

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  • Asked by Kris from 60514
    Can I use Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil on snap peas?
    They are not listed in the vegetable section

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is not labeled for use on snap peas. Spectracide Triazicide Once & Done Insect Killer Concentrate would be a great option as it is labeled for many vegetables, including snap peas. I

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  • Asked by Jenny from Mission Viejo, Ca
    Can I apply Bonide All Seasons oil directly on palm fronds with a cotton ball?
    I take care of indoor plants. I have scale on some scale on my Kentia palm... don't want to stay indoors and the palms are quite large to carry outside.

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is safe to use on houseplants. It is best applied as a spray since it is primarily a contact kill, but if you needed to lightly brush the plants, that should give you even coverage, as well.

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  • Asked by Gerald from Santa Monica
    Can I use the Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil on my podocarpus trees?
    My podocarpus trees (30 feet high) have severe scale.

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil does state on the product label do not use on conifers or ferns not tolerant to oil sprays.  We would recommend testing on a small area before completely spraying your podocarpus trees which are type of conifer

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  • Asked by David from 95608
    i have a plum tree didnt flower this year it has all of its leaves but is full of scale can i spay it
    Yes, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be used on your plum tree for scale. 
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  • Asked by Tetia from Altanta, Ga
    Is is safe to spray peonies with All Seasons Spray Oil?
    We used the spray on azaleas and the peonies are close in proximity - they look a little brown.

    First, you want to be sure if you are targeting an insect or a disease or both. Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is labeled for applications to azaleas and not peonies. The product is listed to treat overwintering eggs of insects such as mealybugs, aphids, leafminers and other listed insects. We suggest you confirm with the local cooperative extension Master Gardener the cause of the browning. We will be happy to help you select a product that will best fit your needs.

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  • Asked by Armando from Rancho Cucamonga
    I have gnats in my grass. Can I use Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil?

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is not labeled to be used in lawns so would not be recommended.  There are a few ways to keep the number of gnats down. You can invest in a misting system that periodically sprays a pyrethrin insecticide in your yard. This system is a lot like a sprinkler system. We do not carry the actual mister system but we do carry the insecticide that is used in it called Riptide. If you want to get something you can just spray you can try Talstar P. Gnats that land on the treated areas will be eliminated. Talstar P will not repel the gnats from the area nor will it kill the gnats that do not land on the treated areas.

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  • Asked by Jeffrey from King George, Va
    When is it best to apply Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil to common boxwoods for scale?
    It is June 19, 2021 in Virginia and my boxwoods are already showing a lot of new growth but I still see scale. Is it ok to treat them now and 7 days later as long as the temperature is not above 90 degrees?

    Yes, during summer months, the application rate for Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is 2-5 tbsp of oil per gallon of water when applied as a foliar or cover spray. Do not make applications when temperatures are greater than 90 degrees. 

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  • Asked by Patricia from Huntington Beach, Ca
    Is Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil labeled for citrus bud mites?

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is labeled to treat for bud mites on various CItrus Trees (California Only). Please refer to page 14 of the product label for the citrus you are treating and application rates. 

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  • Asked by Cassidy from Dade City, Fl
    Can I use Bonide Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil on tomato plant seedlings?

    Yes, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be used on tomatoes and other edible plants. 

    Per the product label: Use 2 - 4 tablespoons per 1 gallon of water. Spray once or twice weekly depending on the rapid growth of the crop and/or vector pressure.

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  • Asked by Patty from Bulverde Tx
    Treating for Oleanders that have scales, mites and mildew with Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil, what is the mix rate if using a hose end sprayer?

    The mixture of Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Oil depends on the pest you are treating for and crop you are treating on. Refer to the information starting on page 19 of the product label for Roses, Flowering, Shrubs and Ornamentals for application rates as mix rates will vary. 

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  • Asked by Jim from Mccalla
    Can I spray Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil on hydrangeas in Oct.?

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil can be applied to hydrangeas before the buds show green tissue and dormancy. You would use the higher rate in dormancy and reduce the rate to the minimum and increase the rate as that growth has hardened off.


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  • Asked by Chuck from Martinsburg, Ohio
    Does Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil control fruit tree fungus?

    While Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil is safe for spraying on fruit trees, its labeled only to control insects. An alternative product that can work against many diseases and insects on fruit trees would be Ferti-Lome Fruit Tree Spray with Neem Py. We recommend getting your specific disease ID'd to be sure you are using the best product for your need and to always reference the product label for application instructions.


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  • Asked by Marina from Elma, Wa
    Is using Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil in fall rather than winter on apple and pear trees effective for Climate Zone 8A?
    Where I live, the months of December, January and February are either too rainy or too cold to dormant spray. So I'm thinking of doing it early when I work WITH Mother Nature rather than against her. Will this still be effective?

    Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil may be used during all seasons, at the dormant stage (no leaves), delayed dormant stage (green tip stage), and the growing seaons as spray to control overwintering eggs of insects such as mealybugs, aphids, leafminers and other listed insects. 

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  • Asked by Mary from Portland, Texas
    What is the proper dilution of Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil for aphids ?
    Instructions are missing and sprayer missing.

    The mixture rate will vary depending on the type of plant/tree when using the Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil.  We do always have the product label on our site for review so you can see the mixture rates needed for your use.

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  • Asked by Larrye
    After using Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil how long before the plant pests, such as stink bugs, begin to die?

    Usually after spraying Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil, the insect could die immediately after contact with spray, and/or while spraying.  It can take a few minutes to a few hours for them to die.

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  • Asked by Denise from New York
    How much time between the first spraying of my Schifflera and the next spraying using Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil?
    The label said that after 4 sprayings, wait 3 weeks before the next spraying.

    According to the product label, the Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Oil can be applied every 7 days as needed.

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  • Asked by Sherry from Storrs, Ct
    Is Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil ok to use for spider mites on an Alberta Dwarf Spruce?

    Per the product label, Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil may cause discoloration of Blue Spruce. Do not use on conifers or ferns not tolerant to oil sprays (e.g. Alberta Dwarf Spruce). 

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Displaying 61 to 80 (of 93 questions)