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Apili from Westrand City writes

Can Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide be used to kill nutsedge in maize crops?


Halo 75WDG Select is only labeled for use in turf-grass and landscape areas and cannot be used in or around crops, edibles or gardens. Dual Magnum Herbicide or Basagran Herbicide (NOT the T/O) would be alternatives for a selective herbicide to treat for yellow nutsedge and other weeds in corn crops. Another treatment option is to use a non selective glyphosate herbicide such as Eraser A/P to spot treat the yellow nutsedge directly before planting maize. Spraying onto the ground does not help as the weeds must be sprayed directly and repeat applications will be needed. Once the maize has emerged, caution should be taken when using a non selective as you risk killing the maize if any overspray contacts the crop. Mechanical methods of control include: Planting early (if soil temperatures and conditions permit) and use narrow row spacing and high plant populations wherever possible . Follow soil test recommendations for lime and fertilizer. Start weeding early, 3 to 4 weeks from the planting date. This destroys young yellow nutsedge plants and prevents them from growing older and producing nuts.  Tillage is an important control tactic when used in combination with other measures to bring nutsedge to the surface and expose them to extreme temperatures and drying out. 

Answer last updated on: 10/22/2022

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Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide

Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide


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