Tom from Nc writes
Bonide Annual Grub Beater is labeled for both grubs and mole crickets. When treating for both grubs and mole crickets timing of your application is most critical. Controlling mole crickets soon after they hatch will offer faster knockdown of the current population and will help to avoid extensive damage later in the year. It is always best to apply a grub preventative treatment prior to egg hatch and prior to seeing lawn damage. Here are two articles with more detailed information on mole crickets and grubs. Milky Spore will not interfere with nematodes or any other beneficials or insecticides. It is a bacteria that only spreads through Japanese beetle grubs. If you are using a product that will kill the grubs directly, then we recommend using the Milky Spore first so it has time to start establishing through the existing grubs and then applying the insecticide at least 2 weeks later. Milky Spore Powder can be applied at any time the ground is not frozen, the powder only needs to be applied once and takes up to 2 years for you to see results. The spore will reproduce and spread when grubs eat it. If you're using Milky Spore Lawn Spreader Mix, you will need to do one treatment in the Spring, one in the Summer and one in the fall this year and next year, the effect will be the same. The product will only work on white grubs that are actively feeding and not on the actual Japanese Beetles.
Answer last updated on: 03/22/2019