Product Q&A

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Alexandra from Florence writes

Can we dilute Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide with water into a sprayer?


Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide is intended for areas of standing water where mosquitos breed, such as Bird Baths, Flowerpots, Ornamental Fountains, Gutters, Water Gardens, Rain Barrels, Pool Covers, Puddles, Horse Troughs and other animal drinking water receptacles.  Simply follow the directions on the product label, and put the directed amount of granules in areas or in water where mosquitoes may breed. One container can treat over 5,000 square feet or up to 20,183 gallons of water.

If you are looking for the most effective mosquito control products that can be sprayed directly onto your lawn, bushes, ornamentals and trees, please refer to our Professional Mosquito Control Kit, which includes two insecticide concentrates, and an Insect Growth Regulator.

Answer last updated on: 05/02/2021

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