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Safety Products

Please be sure to read the product label of any insecticide you choose to use to get information on the personal protective safety gear you will need. In most situations, it is recommended that you wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes with socks, chemical resistant gloves, and goggles. In areas where ventilation is poor, a manufacturer may recommend you wear a mask or a respirator. We have put together two different safety kits that will make selecting the correct safety gear easier for you.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bee Inspection Guide

How to Tell If You Have a Carpenter Bee Problem

By DoMyOwn staff

Look For Carpenter Bee Damage, Nests, & Holes

An image of carpenter bee damage on a roof
Carpenter bee damage is usually very conspicuous. Carpenter bees drill holes into wooden elements of structures, fences, lawn furniture, play structures and garden fixtures. Numerous carpenter bee holes can be very unsightly and costly to repair. Learning to spot carpenter bee nests early can help you limit the damage the bees cause.
Step 1

Where to Look & What to Look For

A graphic showing various images of carpenter bee damage
Carpenter bees can infest most wooden elements of the exterior of your home or structure. It is easiest to inspect the these areas during the day. Check wood siding, railings, eaves, fascia boards, fencing, landscape timbers and other exposed wood elements on your property. Look for:

  • Half-inch round holes in dry wood, with piles of sawdust underneath
  • Dirty yellow streaks of fecal matter staining the wood below the hole
  • If a given hole is presently occupied, you will likely find the male buzzing around you when you are near that hole

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