You should mix Certainty with a surfactant to increase its effectiveness.
It would be best to call your local county extension office for when to apply any type of herbicides or insecticides in your area. They would know better than we would since we are not the manufacturer and we live in Georgia. They will know exactly when you should apply it in your specific county.
You can find your local county extension office information here:
Certainty Herbicide is labeled for application on warm season turf including established Centipede grass. It could harm/injure established or actively growing Fescue but is not specifically designed for the suppression/control.
Certainty Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide so this means it only kills weeds that are already emerged from the soil. You can spray Certainty Herbicide on a yard or target weed whenever the weed is actively growing. Refer to the product label for mix rates and cover areas.
Certainty Herbicide is not labeled to be applied over daylilies so we would not recommend it. Care should be taken during application to avoid drift or spray contacting them to avoid injury.
Certainty Herbicide and Dismiss Herbicide can safely be applied to established Bermuda lawns if used as directed. Certainty is labeled for controlling/suppressing dallisgrass and Virginia Buttonweed but Dismiss is not.
Certainty is going ot be the best product to use for poa annua in St Augustine or Bermuda. Weed Beater Complete is another option but each turf requires different rates.
Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz is labeled for the following warm season grass types: Bermuda (common or hybrid), Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, Centipedegrass, Kikuyugrass, St. Augustinegrass, Seashore Paspalum and Zoysiagrass only. We apologize but we are not familiar with Mind I grass.
The mixing ratio of Certainty Herbicide is 3 - 5 small scoops or 1 - 2 large scoops per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft.
Daylillies are labeled as tolerant to Certainty Herbicide application. That being said, it would be best to directly spot treat the nutsedge and take care to avoid spraying the daylilies or allowing drift to contact them.
Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz. is not labeled to control Goosegrass. If you let us know what kind of lawn you have, we can find a product that would better suit your needs.
Certainty Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide only. You should use a different product for your crabgrass pre-emergent, such as Dimension 2EW or Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper.
Certainty can only be used on warm season turf. Unfortunately, since poa trivialis is also a cool season grass, there is not a selective herbicide that would kill the poa trivialis without also killing the desirable turf. We suggest spot treating with a non-selective Roundup-type product, and then reseeding in a couple of weeks.
Certainty Herbicide is not labeled to be used in areas animals would graze at all. We would like to refer you to the manufacturer since they are the experts on their Certainty product. The manufacturer is Monsanto and you can reach them at (800) 332-3111
Certainty Herbicide can be used on established warm season grasses to control actively growing weeds. Ideally you would want to use it while the grass is still dormant, or after it has greened up completely to avoid any extra stress on the lawn. Grasses that go dormant in winter are most sensitive during their transition periods so this is why its recommended to avoid spraying during this time. If you find you need to treat during the transition, be aware some temporary discoloration or stunting could occur.
Yes, the Certainty Herbicide contains Sulfosulfuron which is a Group 2 Herbicide.
For a post-emergent for dallisgrass, we would recommend using Certainty Turf Herbicide to supress the weed in bermudagrass. You will use 3-5 small scoops or 1-2 large scoops per gallon of water. This will treat approximately 1000 square feet.
For a pre-emergent, we would recommend using Dimension 2EW Herbicide. You will use 0.28 - 0.73 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. Please check the product label for times to use the product.