Slide pump sprayer good and bad
By Ted on 09/25/2013
I needed the sprayer to spray the mildew on the upper walls of my 2 story home, between 20-25 feet. The solution I was spraying contained bleach and a house cleaner. The sprayer worked very well for about 30 minutes. Then the washer between the sprayer tip and the body just disintegrated and solution sprayed out everywhere. It was easily fixed by replacing the washer with one made of neoprene or nylon. Cost 60 cents to fix and works well now. Its all good....I like the sprayer.
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Non-Professional User of the Chapin #6002
By C. on 06/03/2012
I love the product. It's well made and does not leak. I'm an older woman so the pump action is a bit strenuous for me, but I'm getting the jobs done. I really don't see it pushing out much further than about 18-20 feet for me. The video shows that you use the sprayer effectively to 20 feet right out of the package, but I was lucky enough to have someone helping me to not only adjust the nozzle tip but to put a washer in of the perfect size to pump liquid out forward with enough power that 18 to 20 feet. Am I missing something else in order to get to maybe 25 feet?
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By Eldon on 06/13/2016
Chapin slide pump
By Deb on 04/19/2019
Great Product
By M. on 10/08/2012
I used the sprayer with a solution of bleach and water to clean my vinyl sided single story house. In less than an hour 750 sq ft of my home sparkled! I am a small, elderly woman - and had no problem using the pump. The only change I wish could be made to the product is a way to build up and store pressure.
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Chapin Slide Pump Sprayer
By C.t. on 10/06/2015
Chapin Slide Pump Sprayer
By Suzy on 09/06/2016
I used this yesterday & it took some getting used to with the wand attachment to the hose because it would loosen up as I was using it & begin to drip on me [which was the pesticide mixture] as I was spraying up into the eves of the house which is 20+ feet. The pump was very smooth & glided well. I was using it spray for cluster flies around the eves & I do see many other uses for the future.
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