Contrac Blox is an anti-coagulant which means once the mice eat this product they begin to bleed to death from the inside. The mice first become sick, and then grow tired and weak and pass in their sleep. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on how much the mice have eaten. They do not need water for the product to work.
Unfortunately the "special poison bait that will stop decaying rodents from smelling" is a myth. No known rodenticide will have this affect. While there are odor control products that will help eliminate the odors resulting from decaying rodents, there are none known poison baits that prevent such odors. Please take a few moments to read our article Myths About Rodents to help sort out rodent myths and facts. The only way to avoid having an odor indoors is to use snap traps and glue boards so you will know exactly where the rodent has died and you will be able to remove the carcass.
Below is a few helpful hints for baiting Mice.
Contrac Blox come in two different sizes. Each 4 lb. pail contains approx. 64 (28 gram each) 2 in. x 1 in. x 1 in. blox.
Each 18 lb. pail contains about 288 blox.