Contrac All-Weather Blox Rodenticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 140 questions)
  • Asked by Kme from Lee, Nh
    Is secondary poisoning an issue for cats when using Contrac Blox rodenticide?
    We have mice in unfinished areas of our home (garage, basement, and attic) and we have placed bait boxes with Bell's Contrac in these areas. We are not concerned about primary poisoning with our cats since they not allowed in these areas (and the poison is in boxes that the cats could not even fit into). However, my concern is about secondary poisoning. If a mouse somehow made it to a part of the house where the cats are and one of the cats ate the mouse, could it get secondary poisoning from Contrac? I would really appreciate some feedback as I have received mix answers from asking around, including our vet who was not really sure and suggested we contact you all. Thank you!
    The risk of secondary poisoning with Contrac Blox is very minimal. A mouse only consumes a very small amount of bait at a time and passes it very quickly only keeping a smaller amount in their liver until they succumb to the effects of the bait. A cat would have to actually eat 20-30 mice that have consumed the bait for it to have an effect. In most cases well fed domesticated animals will not actually eat a mouse or a rat that they come across. Instead they will play with it, chew it and then leave it behind.
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  • Asked by Bonita
    What happens to mice after they eat Contrac Blox?
    I live in a mobile home and I purchased Contrac Blox and scattered it under my home. What happens to the mice after they eat it? How long does it take for them to die? Do they need water for this product to work?

    Contrac Blox is an anti-coagulant which means once the mice eat this product they begin to bleed to death from the inside.  The mice first become sick, and then grow tired and weak and pass in their sleep.  It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on how much the mice have eaten.  They do not need water for the product to work.

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  • Asked by Michael
    What are the new regulations on rodent products that go into effect on June 4th, 2011?
    The federal government has decided that certain types of rodenticides should not be sold in the same manner they have been after June 4, 2011.  These regulations were passed to try to prevent over the counter sales of rodenticides to homeowners and minimize secondary poisoning and misuse of rodenticides.  Unfortunately too many people have placed rodenticides in locations they should not be, such as easy to access places that children and pets can easily get to.  Basically all of the smaller quantities of rodent bait that you have been able to purchase over the counter will no longer be available.  You will only be able to purchase bait already inside a rodent station that is a one time use product.  It will come pre-baited in a sealed rodent station.  This will be the general rule for big box stores like Wal-Mart and Home Depot.  For a specialty store like ourselves, Do My Own Pest Control, we will no longer be able to sell certain rodent place packs, liquid rodenticides, or bait blox in smaller quantities than 16 pounds.  This was passed to discourage homeowners from purchasing rodenticides since they have to now purchase them in large quantities.  Most homeowners do not need 16 lbs worth of place packs.  We will be able to continue to sell the current stock that we have of currently labeled product while supplies last.  However, after June 4th, once we sell out of our current stock and start receiving newly manufactured bait, we will no longer be able to sell it in less than 16lb increments.  There will be some baits that we can continue to sell in smaller quantities but they will be very few and only the ones that have a minimal secondary poisoning risk.
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  • Asked by Craig
    Which rodent bait is best for mice in a house that has two dogs?
    I have mice in my house and was wondering which poison is better, Final Blox or Contrac Blox for me? I was reading the info on both and do not really know what the difference is, since they both claim to be the best, which confuses me since they are made by the same company. So my question is which one is best for mice in a house that has two dogs? The bait stations will be placed in areas of the house that the dogs can not get to (attic/basement).
    Contrac Blox is usually preferred in homes with pets and/or children as there is a readily available antidote in the event of accidental ingestion and because of the reduced risk of secondary poisonings (if one of your dogs were to eat a poisoned mouse). Final Blox is used when a fast clean out is needed as it will kill the rodents a bit faster than the Contrac Blox. Final Blox does have a higher risk of secondary poisoning. We recommend that you use tamper resistant bait stations that will help stop accidental poisonings of non-target animals no matter which bait you select.
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  • Asked by Keith from Wa
    How do I get rid of slugs that are entering my rodent bait stations and eating the bait?
    I have six bait stations with Contrac and notice slugs have really taken to eating the bait. Will it control the slugs too, or am I just losing my bait to them? What should I do to keep slugs out if they are not killed by this?
    Contrac bait will not have any effect on insects. We recommend that you sprinkle a slug bait around the exterior of the bait stations to control the slugs before they enter the stations. We have several slug baits available including Hi Yield Snail and Slug Bait, Sluggo Plus Snail & Slug Killer and MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait.
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  • Asked by Joe from Mcallen, Tx
    Is there a product that kills mice and rats that when they die, it does not cause a smell?

    Unfortunately the "special poison bait that will stop decaying rodents from smelling" is a myth. No known rodenticide will have this affect.  While there are odor control products that will help eliminate the odors resulting from decaying rodents, there are none known poison baits that prevent such odors. Please take a few moments to read our article Myths About Rodents to help sort out rodent myths and facts. The only way to avoid having an odor indoors is to use snap traps and glue boards so you will know exactly where the rodent has died and you will be able to remove the carcass.

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  • Asked by Nick from Vancouver, Bc
    Will Contrac attract rats from the neighbourhood?
    How attracted rats are to the Contrac Blox? A pest control guy suggested that it wouldn't be a good idea to preventatively use baiting station with Contac. He said that it may attract rats that otherwise wouldn't be around the house. Is this right? Would it really attract rats from, say, 10-20 yards away? Thanks.
    Yes, the mice and rodents in the area will be attracted to the Contrac Blox as they are made of a variety of very attractive food based ingredients for the rodents to want to feed on. Any rodents looking for a food source would want to go to the bait in the stations.
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  • Asked by Andrew from Brockville, Ontario
    How lethal is Contrac Blox if injested by a canine?
    Just wondering if my math is right each blox contains about 1.4mg of Bromadiolone? and bromadiolone is lethal at 10mg per 1 kg body weight? so a 10kg dog would need to eat roughly 70 blox to be fatal? 0.005% of (28 grams) = 1.4 milligrams
    Each blox of Contrac is 28 grams which equal 2800mg. If your pet ate an actual blox, I wouldn't take the chance of figuring it out because the minimum amount could be lethal. It would be best to take your pet to the vet and have him/her take a look and/or administer the antidote which is Vitamin K1.
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  • Asked by Michael from Middle Village, N.y.
    How many blocks come in a 18lb pail of Contrac Rodent blox??
    I am a professional PCO and would like to know my cost per block.
    Each 18 lb. pail contains about 288 blox
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  • Asked by Dan
    When the mouse eats the Contrac and then goes off to die, does the decomposing mouse body smell?
    Yes. There is not a rodenticide on the market that stops a decomposing rodent from smelling after they die. There are a lot of "old wives tales" that suggest that there are rodenticides that will make a rodent exit the building after they eat the bait, leave in search of water or dry up immediately after death and leave no stench behind. Unfortunately, none of this is true. If a rodent dies, it will smell as it decomposes and the rodent will die wherever it succumbs to the poison which is likely to be is an inaccessible area where the rodent has been nesting. We recommend using glue boards, snap traps or multi-catch mouse traps indoors, so you will know exactly where the mouse has died and can remove it with ease.
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  • Asked by Monte
    How long do the Contrac Bloxs stay fresh if stored properly in the bucket?
    Does the product fade in time due to opening and closing lid to use product? How effective is this product compared to the individual contract pellet packets?
    Contrac Blox should be used within about 1 year of the purchase date. The active ingredient within the product would most likely stay effective long after 1 year but the food ingredients or the attractants will start to degrade and will no longer be attractive to rodents. Just opening and closing the lid of the storage container would not cause the product to lose its efficacy, but storing the product without a lid could cause it to mold or otherwise degrade. Contrac Blox and Contrac Place paks are essentially the same product just in different shapes and packaging. Contrac Place Paks are very useful for treating mice that love to tear open and gnaw through packaging and the pellets are small enough for them to hold and consume, but the product would eliminate both rats or mice. Contrac Blox work well for both rats and mice by providing them with a large gnawing surface.
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  • Asked by Akeem
    Why aren't the rats eating the Contrac Blox?
    I ordered a bucket of Contrac blox along with three tamper proof bait stations. I placed 12 blocks in each station, and I threw some extra blocks down the holes they were burrowing in. I put peanut butter in one of the bait stations on the blocks. I opened up all three boxes a week later, and none of the bloxs were touched. Yet, they tried to get into the bucket of left overs I had. They are going into the bait stations, but they are not eating, why is that?
    Contrac All-Weather Blox Rodenticide is not labeled to be used in burrows at all, only for use in tamper resistant bait stations.  Typically, if none of the blocks are eaten then there is a food competition issue.  If there is other food accessible that is more attractive to the rodents then they will eat the other food first.  This could be pet food, bird seed, food in a garden, etc...  Also, placement of the bait stations are critical.  Were the station placed along the foundation or along edges with holes against the wall?
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  • Asked by Kristin from Old Lyme, Ct
    How long is the shelf life of the Contrac Blox Rodenticide?
    Contrac Blox should be used within about 1 year of the purchase date. The active ingredient within the product would most likely stay effective long after 1 year but the food ingredients or the attractants will start to degrade and will no longer be attractive to rodents. Just opening and closing the lid of the storage container would not cause the product to lose its efficacy, but storing the product without a lid could cause it to mold or otherwise degrade.
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  • Asked by David from Bronx,newyork
    I have a mouse avoiding the fresh bait i just laid out what should i do?
    It's in the kitchen in the stove, I placed a bait station behind the stove along with glue boards under the stove.

    Below is a few helpful hints for baiting Mice.

    • Always use fresh bait. Rodents will avoid old, moldy, or insect-ridden baits.
    • When baiting for mice, a good measure for distance between placements is 8 to 12 feet apart for light to moderate infestations. Heavy or severe infestations may require placements of 4 to 8 feet.

    • As a rule, many bait placements containing smaller amounts of bait are more effective in mouse control than a few placements containing a lot of bait.

    • For heavy infestations, use the maximum number of bait placements indicated by the label.

    • Bait stations should be placed where mice are likely to encounter them during their routine travels, between harborages and food sources.

    • Corners are "hot spots" for bait placements since mice tend to spend a lot of time in darkened corners.

    • Attempt to locate "favorite feeding locations" (indicated by a high concentration of rodent signs-droppings, tracks, odors, shredded paper, etc.) and replace existing food sources with bait stations in these locations.

    • Always use mouse-sized bait stations, not the larger stations designed for rats.

    • Mice often live above or below their food sources, in attics or basements, so bait placements should not be limited to a single level of the infested structure.

    • Mice develop preferences for certain types of foods and baits. If there appears to be bait avoidance, try placing 3 or 4 different bait formulations (pellets, place packs, bait blocks, liquid bait) to see if the mice will prefer one formulation over another.

    • If a bait placement remains unvisited upon inspection, try moving the placement five feet in another direction.

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  • Asked by Lori from Washington, Dc
    Will you modify the Contrac so it stops killing owls and other predators?
    I am concerned about the numbers of raptors dying from secondary poisoning after eating poisoned rodents. The anti coagulant in Contrac blocs will also kill owls, and other raptors as well as mammalian predators that eat poisoned rodents. Will you change the formula so it is environmentally friendly and doesnt kill much needed predators?
    While we are not the manufacturer of the Contrac blox we do carry another product that is for use in areas where secondary poisoning of predatory birds are an issue.  Terad3 rodenticide is usually used in areas where secondary poisoning is a concern because it has a reduced risk of secondary poisoning.
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  • Asked by Steve
    Is there a rodent bait that is recommended for pack rats in Arizona?
    I found an active pack rat infestation next to our property in Arizona. What is your suggestion with regard to the most efficient method to get rid of them? I already have the Protecta Baiting station that I use with a T Rex Trapper. I would rather not kill them individually with a trap. Is there a poison that would do the trick?
    You can use any of our rodenticides such as Contrac Blox to eliminate pack rats. You should place the Contrac Blox inside of tamper resistant stations to secure the blox so that the rats can not carry them away to unsecured locations. Be sure to place plenty of stations out as this type of rat can be territorial and will stop other rats from visiting certain stations.
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  • Asked by Beth from Indianapolis
    How many blocks come in each pail of Contrac Blox?

    Contrac Blox come in two different sizes. Each 4 lb. pail contains approx. 64 (28 gram each) 2 in. x 1 in. x 1 in. blox.
    Each 18 lb. pail contains about 288 blox.

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  • Asked by Tony from Lufkin,texas
    How many roof rats will one block of contrac kill?
    Contrac Blox is a single feed rodenticide. Single feed means a rodent can consume a lethal dose of Bromadiolone in 1 feeding therefore resulting in death within 1-5 days. The number of rodents that 1 block will treat is undeterminable. Place 3 to 16 Contrac Blox (usually at intervals of 15 to 30 feet) per placement. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for at least 10 days or until signs of rat activity cease. Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Collect and dispose of all dead animals and leftover bait properly. To prevent reinfestation, limit sources of rodent food, water, and harborage as much as possible. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment. Where a continuous source of infestation is present, establish permanent bait stations and replenish as needed. 
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  • Asked by Neil from Nyc, Ny
    How long will it take to Kill a Rat with Contrac?
    Road repair on a major street let some rats into my basement, I sealed up all the holes I think and I placed Contrac Bait in bait stations resulting in a kill of at least one rat. It seemed to me that one rat got stuck in the basement ceiling as well after I sealed it back up. I placed Contrac bait in the basement ceiling and I noticed that the 3 blocs moved. I then noticed 2 little fresh droppings around the area of the blocks, presumably eaten. Based on this, do you think the rat ate enough to die? There is no other food sources in the basement ceiling. How can I be sure that I've eradicated all rats in the basement?
    After a rodent consumes a lethal dose of the Contrac Blox it can take about a week for the rodent to die. You should keep replacing the bait until you do not have any more activity at the bait station because you could have more rodents than you realize, as is often the case.
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  • Asked by Nate
    Would an anticoagulant rodenticide kill an insect?
    It is a poison so if it is injested, it is likely to harm whatever is injesting it.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 140 questions)