Cy-Kick CS - Questions & Answers

Displaying 81 to 100 (of 277 questions)
  • Asked by N.babbs from Bowling Green, Ky
    Does Cy-Kick CS work on bedbugs?

    Cy Kick is labeled for bed bugs but would not be recommended as a sole treatment for bed bug treatment. Please take a moment to review our How to Treat for Bed Bugs  for a full step by step guide on how to treat for bed bugs. 

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  • Asked by Alfredo from Roosevelt, Utah
    What kind of a fogger do you recommend for crawl spaces for spiders?
    Would you recommend fogging crawl spaces?

    Any of the fogging solutions, like ULD BP 100 could be used to fog for spiders in a crawl space.  Any spiders that are exposed at the time of the fogging will be eliminated, but that is it.

    For indoor use, instead of fogging we recommend spraying a residual insecticide such as Cy-Kick CS into the cracks and crevices around door and window frames, baseboards, under appliances and in places where cables, pipes and wires enter through the walls.

    You can also use Cy-Kick CS to spray around the exterior on the foundation, door and window frames, around places where cables, pipes and wires enter into the structure and any other crack, crevice or hole where insects can gain entry. By using the residual insecticide inside and outside you will be eliminating hidden spiders that come out to hunt and also the insects that they are there to prey on. By eliminating the spiders' food source, you will be forcing the spiders to move out and you will be making the structures less desirable to other spiders looking for new hunting grounds. See our Spider Control Guide for more information about controlling spiders.

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  • Asked by Bam93 from Seattle, Wa
    How fast does Cy-Kick kill silverfish usually?

    Cy-Kick CS will kill silverfish and other listed insects but not right away.  It is not a contact kill so they will not die as soon as they touch it, but it will start to work on their system and will start getting weaker and dying within a few hours of contact.

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  • Asked by Sherrie from Winston Salem, Nc
    Is it safe to let my dogs on the lawn right after treatment?

    It is a good idea to keep pets away from the treated areas while it is still wet. Allow about 30 minutes for the Cy-Kick CS to dry, after that it is perfectly safe for pets to re-enter that area. 

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  • Asked by Mike from San Antonio, Texas
    Scorpion Control Product
    I spend ridiculous amounts of money on professional pest services and I'm looking for a thriftier way to control pests in these harder economic times. I might be your next big customer. However, I can't skimp when it comes to the safety of my family. That said, we live in South Texas and have a huge Bark Scorpion population. Understanding my concern, how much Cy-Kick CS would be needed to maintain an effective barrier on a 2000 SF home? In other words, how many bottles would I need to order to create the proper mixture and application rate?
    Cy-Kick CS will help prevent scorpion infestations of buildings, treat a band of soil 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the building. Also treat the building foundation to a height of 2 to 3 feet where pests are active and may find entrance. Treat other insect entry points such as doors, windows, under siding and eaves of structure. Cy-Kick CS may be applied in compressed air, backpack or power spray equipment. An application rate of 0.5 to 1.0 fluid ounce of Cy-Kick CS per 1000 sq. ft. is desirable. Apply in sufficient water to adequately cover the area being treated. Application should be made in such a manner to limit dripping and run-off on structural surfaces and plants. Essentially, one pint will give you approx. 16,000 square feet of treatment.
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  • Asked by Katrina from Rialto Ca
    Which product of these three will be best for me? Cy-kick CS vs Termidor or Tempo
    I need help in determining which product is best for me. I live in Southern California and have an array of pest: spiders including black widows, ants, slugs, crickets, mosquitoes, wasp, silverfish, termites, etc. What is the best product for me to use? Is there one product or do I need all three?
    Tempo SC or Cy-Kick CS both would be great options for you to use around your home and inside to control pretty much all the pests you mentioned and then some. Termidor would only be used if you are doing a trench treatment around the foundation of the home for subterranean termites, or if you were drilling a hole in a wall to spray it directly on a termite colony as a spot treatment. 
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  • Asked by Tim
    Is Cy-Kick CS effective when sprayed from a backpack mist blower to prevent mosquitoes?

    Cy-Kick CS could be applied for mosquitoes.  However, because it is microencapsulated it would not have a very quick kill initially because the microcaps slowly release insecticide over time. This product has a long residual, but not a good first punch.  Our most popular product for mosquito control actually combines a good quick knock down with a long residual, and it is called Talstar P.

    Mosquito Control Article

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  • Asked by Pat from Appleton, Wi
    Will Cy Kick CS kill ants?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be used for ants.

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  • Asked by Hom from Slc , Ut
    What is the best way to get away from cockroaches? Which might be the best product for it ?
    I have been facing cockroaches problem in my house. I tried various pest control but still I could able to stay away from them . So what could be the best way to control it ?

    We have had exemplary performance out of our Roach control kits.  The Roach Control Kit is perfect for roach control problems in homes and apartments. This professional kit includes 1 packet of Demon WP Insecticide (which makes 4 gallons of finished solution) for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc. You'll also get 4 x 35 gram tubes of Invict Gold Roach Bait Gel--one of the best roach baits on the market. Invict Gold can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally, 20 Gentrol Point Source stations provide an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) that will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals. Demon WP must be applied with a 1 gallon pump sprayer, like the Chapin 1 gallon sprayer.

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  • Asked by Jon from Ringling,ok
    I have found Cy Kick to kill most everything I wanted but I have never tried it on Fire Ants. Is it a good product for that? If not,what should I order?
    Cy Kick CS is labeled for fire ants however Extinguish Fire Ant Bait is our most popular ant bait. Applied as a broadcast application use 1.5-2 lbs. per acre and for ndividual mounds treatment, use 2-5 tablespoons. Keep in mind, Ants must be foraging for this to work. You should not apply this product in the late fall or winter of ants are not will not work! Also, bait must remain dry. Do not apply if it is going to rain within 8 hours.
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  • Asked by Mike from Gilbert, Az
    At what ambient temperature does Cy-Kick CS become ineffective?

    Cy-Kick CS should be applied in temperatures below 85 and above freezing.

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  • Asked by Tammy from Montgomery, Tx
    Will Cy-Kick CS damage my wood floors?

    Cy-Kick CS will not harm wood floors when applied as directed on the product label.  It is not to be broadcast across interior surfaces, though, and is only for cracks and crevices.

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  • Asked by Steve from Manhattan, Il
    Would Cy-Kick CS be the best pesticide for earwigs outside?
    I just sprayed Cy-Kick CS at maximum concentrate and the earwigs walk thru it and hang out in it like they are immune. Later that night they are just lounging where I sprayed. Alive and well? Thanks in advance

    Cy-Kick CS is labeled for Earwigs and will definitely kill them, you just have to give the product time to work. The product does not kill on contact and since it's a microencapsulated product, it sticks better to surfaces and to the insects' hairs and body. We recommend reading our article Getting Rid of Earwigs for more information.

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  • Asked by Stephen from Des Moines, Ia
    Can I spray Cy-Kick CS outside for mosquito control on shrubs, plants, etc?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be used outdoors for mosquito control. It is recommended that you treat the grass and shrubs where the mosquitoes are. Please see our Mosquito Treatment Guide for more tips and information on treating this pest.

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  • Asked by Wayne from Tn
    What is the rate of application for Cy-Kick CS for mosquito control?

    When using Cy-Kick CS you can use between 1-2 ounces per gallon of water. I recommend that you spray all shrubery and vegetation where mosquitoes may rest. Make sure that you spray underneath leaves as well since this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. If you have anymore questions about mosquito control, please read over our Mosquito Control Page

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  • Asked by Ellen from Wichita, Ks
    What are the side effects of using Cy-Kick CS around children and dogs?

    There should be no "side effects" from Cy Kick CS if it is used according to the instructions on the product label.  Children and pets should kept out of the area while the product is being applied and until everything is fully dry.  

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  • Asked by Dan from Emigrant,mt
    Can Cy-kick CS be used outdoors to control of cluster flies?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be used outdoors to kill cluster flies. It is recommended that you apply the product in cracks and crevices where the pest may harbor or hibernate. Do not repeat applications more than twice a week. Treatments need to be done at least 3 days apart. The mixing ratio is 1-2 fl. oz. per gallon of water.


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  • Asked by Jody from Perry, Georgia
    What is the minimum wait period for reapplying Cy-Kick CS indoors?
    Cy-Kick CS has a 90 day indoor residual after it is applied.
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  • Asked by Jeannine from Medford, Nj
    Does CY-Kick CS kill ticks? How wide a path do I spray outside of fencing to kill them?

    Yes, you could use Cy-Kick CS to kill ticks outdoors. You should spray the entire affected area when treating for ticks, but pay extra attention to areas of dense brush, tall grasses, yard debris, and shady areas where animals like to spend time. If you are spraying to create a barrier, then we would recommend treating at least 5-10 feet from the fenceline. You can learn more in our Tick Treatment Guide here.

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  • Asked by Rick from Amarillo, Texas
    I need a good preventative spay. What do you recommend?
    I am looking for a good preventive spay for indoor and outdoor use, does not have to be the same product. No bug related issues, so just something to prevent any future problems. Amarillo Texas is in the top of Texas, we have a 3000 sq ft home. I have pump type 2 gallon sprayer.
    Cy-Kick CS is an ideal broad-spectrum insecticide for prevention, maintenance, or active infestations of over 55 common structural pests in residential and commercial applications. SmartCap Technology makes Cy-Kick CS ideal for a variety of surfaces, including porous and highly absorbent areas like concrete and mulch. SmartCap microencapsulation also increase the residual life of Cy-Kick CS to up to 90 days, making it ideal for quarterly pest control treatments. Because Cy-Kick CS is a microencapsulated suspension, it is more resilient in direct sunlight and more easily picked up by tough pests such as cockroaches, scorpions, and mosquitoes.
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Displaying 81 to 100 (of 277 questions)