Cy-Kick CS - Questions & Answers

Displaying 81 to 100 (of 250 questions)
  • Asked by Sherrie from Winston Salem, Nc
    Is it safe to let my dogs on the lawn right after treatment?

    It is a good idea to keep pets away from the treated areas while it is still wet. Allow about 30 minutes for the Cy-Kick CS to dry, after that it is perfectly safe for pets to re-enter that area. 

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  • Asked by Rod from Scottsdale, Az 85259
    I have been spraying CY-KICK (CS) monthly inside/outside my house since March.
    It has been successful in eliminating scorpions. We (in Arizona) are now in the Monsoon Season (rainy). My question is: does the rain affect the performance of the product or shall I continue using it as usual? Thank you.
    Cy-Kick CS is a great general pest control for monthly outdoor control of scorpions and other common household insects. If applied on a dry day, it will hold up in the rain for 4 weeks.
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  • Asked by Steven from Jacksonville N.c.
    Do I need a pest control license to buy some of product like Cy-Kick CS?
    No, you do not need a license to use Cy-Kick CS. We do carry professional products, but every product on our website can be sold to homeowners as long as you are using it for your own use and property.  You need a license when you are treating other peoples property for profit
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  • Asked by N.babbs from Bowling Green, Ky
    Does Cy-Kick CS work on bedbugs?

    Cy Kick is labeled for bed bugs but would not be recommended as a sole treatment for bed bug treatment. Please take a moment to review our How to Treat for Bed Bugs  for a full step by step guide on how to treat for bed bugs. 

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  • Asked by Wayne from Tn
    What is the rate of application for Cy-Kick CS for mosquito control?

    When using Cy-Kick CS you can use between 1-2 ounces per gallon of water. I recommend that you spray all shrubery and vegetation where mosquitoes may rest. Make sure that you spray underneath leaves as well since this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. If you have anymore questions about mosquito control, please read over our Mosquito Control Page

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  • Asked by Jody from Perry, Georgia
    What is the minimum wait period for reapplying Cy-Kick CS indoors?
    Cy-Kick CS has a 90 day indoor residual after it is applied.
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  • Asked by Rick from Amarillo, Texas
    I need a good preventative spay. What do you recommend?
    I am looking for a good preventive spay for indoor and outdoor use, does not have to be the same product. No bug related issues, so just something to prevent any future problems. Amarillo Texas is in the top of Texas, we have a 3000 sq ft home. I have pump type 2 gallon sprayer.
    Cy-Kick CS is an ideal broad-spectrum insecticide for prevention, maintenance, or active infestations of over 55 common structural pests in residential and commercial applications. SmartCap Technology makes Cy-Kick CS ideal for a variety of surfaces, including porous and highly absorbent areas like concrete and mulch. SmartCap microencapsulation also increase the residual life of Cy-Kick CS to up to 90 days, making it ideal for quarterly pest control treatments. Because Cy-Kick CS is a microencapsulated suspension, it is more resilient in direct sunlight and more easily picked up by tough pests such as cockroaches, scorpions, and mosquitoes.
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  • Asked by Katrina from Rialto Ca
    Which product of these three will be best for me? Cy-kick CS vs Termidor or Tempo
    I need help in determining which product is best for me. I live in Southern California and have an array of pest: spiders including black widows, ants, slugs, crickets, mosquitoes, wasp, silverfish, termites, etc. What is the best product for me to use? Is there one product or do I need all three?
    Tempo SC or Cy-Kick CS both would be great options for you to use around your home and inside to control pretty much all the pests you mentioned and then some. Termidor would only be used if you are doing a trench treatment around the foundation of the home for subterranean termites, or if you were drilling a hole in a wall to spray it directly on a termite colony as a spot treatment. 
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  • Asked by Bo from Carlsbad Nm
    I'd like to mix Exciter to Cy-Kick CS to add some quicker knockdown.
    How do most effectively mix the two chemicals and does mixing alter performance of either ?
    ExciteR can be mixed with any insecticide including Cy-Kick CS to give it a faster initial knockdown.  You would follow the rates on each product labels, 1 to 2 oz Cy-Kick CS per gallon of water, 1/4 to 1/4 fl. ounce of ExciteR per finished gallon
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  • Asked by Susan from Austin, Tx
    Can Cy-Kick CS be used indoors? Can it be used simultaneously with Ultracide?
    I am going to use Ultracide to contol the flea life cycle in the carpeting. We don't have pets, but live in an area with a lot of wildlife which seems to cause the outbreaks. I need Cy-Kick to control the scorpions that enter the house and am thinking of spraying the indoor baseboards with it.

    Cy-Kick CS can be applied indoors to the cracks and crevices for the treatment of scorpions and other listed pests. It is not labeled to be applied indoors as a broadcast for flea treatments so we recommend that you vacuum daily and apply Ultracide once every two weeks indoors for flea control. A minimum of two indoor applications of Ultracide is required. You may have to perform a third or fourth application depending on the level of fleas. We also recommend treating your pets and the outside of your home.

    Flea Treatments Articles

    Scorpion Treatment Article

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  • Asked by Stephen from Des Moines, Ia
    Can I spray Cy-Kick CS outside for mosquito control on shrubs, plants, etc?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be used outdoors for mosquito control. It is recommended that you treat the grass and shrubs where the mosquitoes are. Please see our Mosquito Treatment Guide for more tips and information on treating this pest.

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  • Asked by Harlan from Phoenix, Az
    Can Cy-Kick CS be broadcast over 2000 sq ft desert (gravel) yard using a hose end sprayer?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be applied in a hose end sprayer for application on gravel. It can be applied to the exterior listed areas on the product label once a month on the exterior of the structure. Also, you would want to spray the exterior wall of your house, spraying 2 to 3 feet up the side of the house, and 2 to 3 feet out on the ground to prevent insects from invading your home. Cy-Kick CS is a great choice for many insects that offers a great kill and residual. It will particulay good for scorpions also. It is mixed at 1-2 oz per gallon per 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Jon from Ringling,ok
    I have found Cy Kick to kill most everything I wanted but I have never tried it on Fire Ants. Is it a good product for that? If not,what should I order?
    Cy Kick CS is labeled for fire ants however Extinguish Fire Ant Bait is our most popular ant bait. Applied as a broadcast application use 1.5-2 lbs. per acre and for ndividual mounds treatment, use 2-5 tablespoons. Keep in mind, Ants must be foraging for this to work. You should not apply this product in the late fall or winter of ants are not will not work! Also, bait must remain dry. Do not apply if it is going to rain within 8 hours.
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  • Asked by Hom from Slc , Ut
    What is the best way to get away from cockroaches? Which might be the best product for it ?
    I have been facing cockroaches problem in my house. I tried various pest control but still I could able to stay away from them . So what could be the best way to control it ?

    We have had exemplary performance out of our Roach control kits.  The Roach Control Kit is perfect for roach control problems in homes and apartments. This professional kit includes 1 packet of Demon WP Insecticide (which makes 4 gallons of finished solution) for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc. You'll also get 4 x 35 gram tubes of Invict Gold Roach Bait Gel--one of the best roach baits on the market. Invict Gold can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally, 20 Gentrol Point Source stations provide an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) that will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals. Demon WP must be applied with a 1 gallon pump sprayer, like the Chapin 1 gallon sprayer.

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  • Asked by Joel from Henderson Nevada
    Can I spray on Palm trees where scorpions live?
    Can I spray on Palm trees where scorpions reside in Henderson, NV?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be sprayed around the base of the tree where the scorpions live. We would further recommend looking at the reason the scorpions are so attracted to that particular tree. They do feast on other insects and live in mulch and rocks so those could be two reasons why they are living there. By looking at and modifying your property you can make it less favorable to scorpions. Scorpions are at any given place for three reasons: food, shelter and moisture. If you can remove or reduce any one of these needs you will reduce or eliminate the scorpions as well.

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  • Asked by Bruce from United States
    Which is the best to keep scorpions out of your house? Demon Max, Demon WP or some other product?

    Our most popular product for scorpions is Cy-Kick CS, which is microencapsulated so it has a long residual, but also packs a punch.  There are many good reviews on the Cy-Kick page about how it works on scorpions. We also recommend the following to our customers with scorpions for the most complete treatment.

    Non-insecticide methods for scorpion control are:

    Harborage Removal- Harborage removal is key to scorpion control and will greatly reduce the numbers of scorpions in the area surrounding the structure, making it far less likely that they will enter. Harborage removal includes eliminating piles of lumber, bricks, and other stacked items that create clusters of tight spaces, elimination of vegetation and other heavy ground coverings near homes and buildings, trimming back tree and shrub limbs from walls and roof, and keeping gutters clear of leaves and other debris.

    Exclusion- Scorpions and other pests can be kept out of structures to a large degree by installing tight-fitting screens, weatherstripping around doors and windows, and caulking cracks and crevices.
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  • Asked by Dan from Emigrant,mt
    Can Cy-kick CS be used outdoors to control of cluster flies?

    Yes, Cy-Kick CS can be used outdoors to kill cluster flies. It is recommended that you apply the product in cracks and crevices where the pest may harbor or hibernate. Do not repeat applications more than twice a week. Treatments need to be done at least 3 days apart. The mixing ratio is 1-2 fl. oz. per gallon of water.


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  • Asked by Jeannine from Medford, Nj
    Does CY-Kick CS kill ticks? How wide a path do I spray outside of fencing to kill them?

    Yes, you could use Cy-Kick CS to kill ticks outdoors. You should spray the entire affected area when treating for ticks, but pay extra attention to areas of dense brush, tall grasses, yard debris, and shady areas where animals like to spend time. If you are spraying to create a barrier, then we would recommend treating at least 5-10 feet from the fenceline. You can learn more in our Tick Treatment Guide here.

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  • Asked by Rich from Oregon
    Can Cy-Kick be mixed and stored (1-3 mths)
    Since Cy-Kick is microcapsules and has active release, can it be mixed in a 1 gallon sprayer and used in a 1-3 month timeframe and still be effective? Or what is the ideal timeframe to use a mixed product?
    With any type of insecticide concentrate we recommend to used mixed solution within 24 hours of mixing. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Mary from Parkes, Nsw, Australia
    What is the 3-5mm long maggot-type thing with hair, the casings of which I find in my storage cupboards?
    This creature seems to feed on other dead insects which I have collected, and even drilled holes in some mouse bait pellets I put there, leaving small piles of dust. It is the larvae of something, and I want to eliminate it, as the storage room has a strange musty smell, which I think is caused by the action of these creatures, in a used mattress which is in the spare room.
    It is almost impossible to tell you for sure what type of insect you have without seeing it. We can tell you that it is most likely the larva of some type of pantry beetle and from your description could possibly be a Dermestid Pantry Beetle Larvae. Dermestid beetles are a scavenger beetle that prefer to feed on dead tissue (insects, animals) but will also feed on grains (pasta, rodent bait, flour) when necessary. You need to inspect the infested room and discard all infested items. You should also thoroughly clean every crack and crevice of the room to help get rid of hidden larva as they are known to crawl away from infested items to pupate. After cleaning the room you can spray all of the cracks and crevices with a residual insecticide such as Cy-Kick CS. Please note that without finding and discarding the infested items you will not be able to get rid of the infestation.
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Displaying 81 to 100 (of 250 questions)