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Kevin from Spokane, Wa writes

Does Alpine WSG work on carpet beetles?

If not, do you have another suggestion for a broadcast treatment of a large carpeted area for carpet beetles?


Alpine WSG is not labeled for carpet beetles. You can use Onslaught Insecticide. It is one of the few insecticides that can be applied in a broadcast application over carpeting. It should also be used in cracks and crevices, along baseboards and areas beetles may hide. You will mix 1 oz of Onslaught per 1 gallon of water. NyGuard Plus is an IGR we also recommend when treating for carpet beetles, due to its long lasting residual. You may want to take a look at our article on Carpet Beetle Pest Control for more tips and information on treating and preventing this pest.

Answer last updated on: 03/28/2017

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