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Bob from Celina, Oh writes

Does Merit 75 WSP kill active grubs on turfgrass?


With Merit, it is most effective when applied prior to, or just after, egg lay. In most cases, adult emergence occurs in early summer, often after significant rainfall or irrigation, followed by mating and egg laying. This usually continues for four to six weeks. Under normal circumstances, Merit will provide residual white grub control for four months or longer in turf. Dylox 6.2 Granules is only active and kills for 48 hours. Dylox should be watered in for at least 1 to 1.5 hours for best results to ensure the product makes it through the thatch layer to where the grubs are feeding.  Mature grubs usually require at least 2 applications, 3 to 4 days apart.

Answer last updated on: 09/29/2017

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