Product Q&A

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Peg writes

Does Monument 75WG kill wild strawberry plants?

The strawberry plants surround my blueberry bushes.


Monument 75WG is meant more for nutsedge control in turf grass and it cannot be used near a vegetable garden or anything edible.  The main product used for weeds or unwanted plants in an edible garden is a Roundup type product, like our RoundUp QuickPro product.  Roundup Professional products do not leave a residual that could possibly be soaked up by the roots of your garden.  Of course you do not want to get the RoundUp product on any plants you want to keep.  You should only direct it at the weeds you want to get rid of.

Answer last updated on: 04/13/2014

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Monument 75WG Herbicide

Monument 75WG Herbicide

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