Dogs typically spend at least a portion of their day outdoors. Make sure they don’t bring any “souvenirs” back home on their fur with our dog flea and tick products.
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Dog flea and tick topical treatments are monthly medications applied to the dog’s fur to repel pests while flea and tick pills and chewables are ingested orally. Powders are rubbed over a dog’s fur as needed and flea and tick collars are worn around the dog’s neck.
If your dog has fleas or you have found a tick on your dog, shampoos and dips are a great way of treating the problem. Flea and tick spray can also treat or prevent a pest problem.
Along with our flea and tick products, we have a wide range of pest control products for the home and yard to help prevent lice and other pests from bothering your dogs and puppies.
Check with your veterinarian and read the product label to determine if a product is suitable for and around your dog, especially if your dog is young.
If you have questions about any of the products found on this page, give the experts on our customer service team a call at 866-581-7378 or email
Fleas on dogs can range from a minor nuisance to a severe problem; it just depends on the dog. Dog fleas, or ctenocephalides canis, infect cats and dogs, as well as humans, but dogs are most often infested with cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis). Puppies, elderly dogs, and certain others can have severe reactions, like parasitic anemia. Your dog could also have a flea allergy, which leads to intense itching, hair loss, and skin infections.
Dogs may display certain signs when infested with fleas. Excessive scratching, licking, or biting of skin, hair loss, scabs, and even tapeworms can be signs of a flea infestation. Check for droppings or “flea dirt” in the dog’s coat, eggs in on the dog or in dog’s environment by using a flea comb. The flea comb can also remove many of the fleas on your dog’s coat.
There are many products on the market formulated for flea control. It can be confusing to sift through the different methods. Here is a list of commonly used products and their characteristics.
When you treat one pet for fleas, you need to treat all pets, including cats and rabbits. It is very crucial that after you begin treating your pets, you need to begin treating your home, first focusing on all places pets frequent, especially sleeping areas. Use our indoor flea treatment guide to treat your home properly.
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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and
extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment
products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.
Many of our products are not available in stores
such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.