Insect Repellent & Lice Treatment for Dogs

Protect your dog from irritating pests with dog insect repellent products. These products are useful when taking your dog camping, walking through the woods, for pets that live near wooded areas, and for dogs that frequent the outdoors. Shop our selection of professional grade products to keep your dog free of fleas, ticks, lice, and more.

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This insect repellent is made from natural ingredients which helps effectively control stable flies, horse flies, mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas, lice and more.
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A naturally concocted insecticide as an alternative to the usual harsh effect of many spray-on insecticide.
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An fast-acting and ready-to-use multi-species fly spray for animals.
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A ready-to-use equine fly spray that eliminates and repels more than 70 listed species.
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A ready-to-use fly repellent spray for horses that does not irritate sensitive skin.
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A ready-to-use spray repellent and skin moisturizer in one for puppies, dogs, horses or foals.
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An excellent ready-to-use insecticide spray with citronella scent for horses.
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Specially formulated wipes which effectively repels fleas and ticks to help stop biting and irritation.
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A professional insect repellent for dogs that is highly effective against fleas, ticks, gnats, and mosquitoes and is made from natural ingredients.

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.