Doveweed Preventers & Lawn Maintenance
Apply a Doveweed Preventer
(Pre-Emergent Herbicide)
Doveweed preventers, also known as pre-emergent doveweed killers, help prevent doveweed plants from growing, killing them before they sprout above ground. It's important to time this right to affect the doveweed seeds in your lawn and interrupt the doveweed life cycle.
- Pre-emergent herbicides must be applied before seeds begin to germinate, which will occur slightly later than most other summer weeds in the case of doveweed. The germination of doveweed plants will vary depending on where you live, but germination will usually begin later in the spring or during the summer when soil temperatures reach 65-70 degrees F. Contact your local extension office for some tips on when to apply pre-emergents in your area.
- Doveweed is a stubborn weed, and there are only a few products labeled for control of doveweed. The product listed below is our recommendation for pre-emergent doveweed prevention.
- Read the label and follow all instructions carefully. Some products are labeled for use only in warm-season grasses like Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and Zoysiagrass.
Products needed for Step 1
Proper Lawn Maintenance to Avoid Excess Moisture
Doveweed is common across most of the Southeastern United States, but it grows especially well in damp, moist areas of turf. There are some preferred lawn maintenance practices you can follow to ensure your turf is as healthy as possible to help it defend against doveweed infestation.
- Correct any drainage problems to reduce areas where water collects in the lawn.
- Proper irrigation: Watering your lawn less frequently but for longer periods of time is a more effective way for your grass to get moisture and allows roots to grow deeply.
- Aerate the lawn to improve drainage and promote healthy turfgrass root growth.
If you have any questions about the methods discussed in these articles or the products needed to prevent and kill doveweed, give our lawn care experts a call at 866-581-7378 or email