Insecticide dusts are an important step in pest control. Dusts can get into the small cracks and crevices of homes that sprays may miss. Dusts are also long lasting, controlling pest infestations long after they have been applied. DoMyOwn’s selection of dusts and dusters will get you started on the path to less pests.
Once you choose the proper dust for your situation, you will need to get the proper product to apply it to the area that is suffering from the infestation. The best things to use to properly apply the dust to the problem are some of our specially designed dusters that will get the product directly to the pests.
There is absolutely no danger when using pest control dusts in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and most of these products are no more toxic to humans and domestic animals than table salt. But as always there are some precautions that should be taken. Because most of these dusts can cause minor irritation to the skin and nasal passages, it is not a bad idea to invest in some safety equipment such as gloves and respirators before attempting to apply any dust products.
Yes, flying insects are unlikely to come into contact with the dusts as they are traditionally applied, so they are not useful for infestations of insects such as flies and mosquitoes. For these pests, aerosols or insect foggers are much more effective. There are also no dusts that are useful against insects such as termites, because it is impractical to get the product deep enough inside the structure to combat the problem. In addition they rarely are used to target the large colonies and nests that are typical of termite infestations.
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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and
extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment
products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.
Many of our products are not available in stores
such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.