No, EndRun would is not labeled for any type of grassy weed such as Poa Trivialis.
EndRun works great to treat VA Buttonweed when applied per label. It is safe for established Fescue turf.
No, EndRun Herbicide with Trimec is not labeled for sedge.
Yes, EndRun Herbicide with Trimec will control dandelion, clover, and many other broadleaf weeds.
It can take up to 2 weeks to notice that EndRun is burning down the weeds. Also, please keep in mind that Endrun works best when applied to actively growing weeds when temps are between 60-75 degrees.
According to the label, treated ares may be reseeded 3 weeks after an application of EndRun Herbicide with Trimec.
EndRUn Herbicide with Trimec can be used on Bahia grass as directed on the product label; however, the product label does state that yellowing can occur.
According to the EndRun Herbicide with Trimec product label, treated areas may be reseeded 3 weeks after application.
It is recommended to use the mixed solution of EndRun Herbicide with Trimec within 24 hrs for best results, after that the chemicals will break down and loose efficacy.
If you are certain the EndRun Herbicide with Trimec froze, you may not get the results you are seeking so you will want to get a new bottle. It should not be frozen and it should be kept away from extreme heat as well for the most effective results.
EndRun Herbicide with Trimec is not labeled to be used on grazing land. You could use Hi Yield Range and Pasture Dicamba +D. There is no waiting period between treatment and grazing for non-lactating, non-meat animals. Do not permit meat animals being finished for slaughter to graze treated fields within 30 days of slaughter. They would just need to be out of the area until the product dries.
EndRun Herbicide with Trimec can be used for either spot treating or broadcasting across a lawn as directed on the product label. It can be used on St Augustine grass as long as it is not Floratam species.